

How Does Firm Digitalization Affect Innovation Risk?


数字化赋予传统企业新的发展契机,同时重塑研发流程和重构研发组织带来的双重成本不确定性引发了企业创新风险的变动.基于 2011-2020 年中国沪深A股制造业上市企业数据,结合面板固定效应模型,实证检验企业数字化对创新风险的影响及作用机制.研究发现:(1)企业数字化对创新风险存在显著的U型影响,即随着企业数字化水平的提高,其对创新风险会产生先抑制后促进的影响;(2)企业数字化对创新风险的影响具有明显的异质性,在国有企业、大型企业、东部和市场化程度较高地区的企业样本中抑制作用更为明显;(3)成本不确定性是企业数字化作用于创新风险的主要机制.企业在数字化前应进行风险评估与规划,在数字化后要根据所处数字化阶段实施差异化的研发支持措施;政府部门应当实施针对性的数字化政策,以有效应对企业数字化引致的创新风险困境.

Summary In the era of digitalization,firms face an increasingly complex external environment,accompanied by a constant rise in the cost of innovation projects.Consequently,the risk associated with firm innovation is on the ascent.This paper empirically investigates the impact and heterogeneity of firm digitalization on innovation risk,focusing on process reshaping and organization reengineering.Utilizing an unbalanced panel structure comprising data from 2,124 unique manufacturing firms spanning the years 2011 to 2020,with 13,546 firm-year observations,our analysis reveals the following findings: Firm digitalization exhibits a discernible U-shaped influence on innovation risk.Specifically,when firm digitalization falls below the inflection point,it mitigates innovation risk;conversely,when firm digitalization surpasses this inflection point,it amplifies innovation risk.This suggests that excessive digitization may escalate innovation risk by necessitating costly adjustments due to routine updates.This conclusion withstands various robustness tests,including the instrumental variable method,alternative measurement indicators,and model adjustments. Heterogeneity analysis demonstrates that the U-shaped influence of firm digitalization on innovation risk is more pronounced in non-state-owned,small and medium-sized,central and western firms,and firms with a low degree of marketization.This phenomenon is closely linked to firms'inability to accommodate the cost adjustments required by practice updates,owing to limited internal resources and external support.Mechanism analysis indicates that firm digitization's nonlinear U-shaped effect on innovation risk is driven by the combined action of two mechanisms:the expense rate during the sales period and the operating cost rate. The research findings of this paper offer valuable insights for accurately assessing the innovation impact of real firm digitization,while furnishing empirical evidence to advance the integration of the real economy with the digital economy.Presently,firm digitalization remains in an exploratory phase characterized by high uncertainty.Beyond investing in hardware and software systems,firms must prioritize addressing coordination and governance challenges in digitalization.Neglecting aspects such as manpower training and supportive investments can lead to increased costs.Thus,firms must recognize that digitization is a gradual process and not an overnight endeavor.Moreover,the government should align with the digital economy's development trajectory by incentivizing firms to pursue digitalization and creating an enabling environment for their endeavors.Additionally,tailored and differentiated digitalization-related policies should be implemented based on firms'micro-attributes and external environment. This study contributes in two main ways.Firstly,it enriches and broadens the research framework surrounding firm digitalization and its economic implications.Unlike previous literature,this paper evaluates the role of micro-level firm digitalization in fostering firm innovation by examining innovation risk,thus complementing existing research on digitalization and firm innovation.Secondly,by exploring the impact of enterprise digitization on innovation risk through R&D process remodeling and R&D organization restructuring,the study elucidates the mechanism underlying cost uncertainty at a theoretical level.


大连理工大学 经济管理学院,辽宁 大连 116024


firm digitalizationinnovation riskcost uncertaintyprocess reshapingorganization reengineering

《当代经济科学》 2024 (002)

90-103 / 14


