

Study on the longitudinal equivalent bending stiffness of quasi-rectangular assembled subway stations


类矩形装配式地铁车站纵向等效抗弯刚度是衡量其力学行为的重要参数,对于构件结构设计、抗弯承载能力验算具有重要作用.为了分析地铁车站纵向抗弯性能及其影响因素,根据等效连续梁的转角计算公式,得出了纵向等效抗弯刚度(EI)eq及纵向等效抗弯刚度有效率η的隐式表达式.通过截面参数分析,探讨了构件长度对中性轴距离c值、等效抗弯刚度有效率η值、截面最大应力的影响;研究了上下圆弧块厚度、曲率半径、圆心角及半短轴长b值对装配式构件截面上的最大应力的影响规律;为了反映装配式车站环缝实际作用范围,引入了环缝影响系数λ,拓展了类矩形装配式衬砌纵向等效连续化模型.研究结果表明:不同构件长度下截面应力分布状态及η值保持不变,且弯矩方向对其影响较小.在弯矩不变的前提下截面最大应力受半短轴长b值影响较大.当顶板块厚度t1处于0.6~2 m范围时,截面最大拉应力随半短轴长b增加而降低6.8%~9.3%;当底板块厚度t3处于0.6~2 m范围时,随着半短轴长b增加,截面最大压应力降低62.5%~63.6%.随着λ由0增加到1,纵向等效抗弯刚度有效率η由1降低到0.05%且变化趋势逐渐降低,与纵向等效连续化模型计算结论一致.本文研究结论对于装配式地铁车站预制构件结构设计及抗弯承载能力验算可提供有效参考.

The longitudinal equivalent bending stiffness(EI)eq of quasi-rectangular assembled subway stations is a critical parameter in assessing mechanical behavior and plays an essential role in both the structural design of components and verification of bending bearing capacity.In order to analyze the longitudinal bending performance of an assembled subway station and its influencing factors,implicit expressions for the longitudinal equivalent bending stiffness(EI)eq and effective ratio of the longitudinal bending stiffness(η)were presented based on the corner calculation formula of an equivalent continuous beam.The influence of component length on the distance from the neutral axis to the x-axis,effective ratio of the longitudinal bending stiffness(η),and maximum stress on the cross-section were discussed through the analysis of section parameters.Furthermore,an in-depth analysis was conducted on the impact of thickness,radius of curvature,central angle of top and bottom plates,as well as semi-short axis length(b)on the maximum stress experienced by assembled components.In order to reflect the actual action range of the circumferential joint of the assembled station,the impact factor of circumferential joint(λ)was proposed,which extends the longitudinal equivalent continuity model of quasi-rectangular assembled linings.The findings indicate that the state of stress distribution in the cross-section and the value of η remains constant across different component lengths,with negligible impact from the direction of the bending moment.The maximum cross-sectional stress was greatly influenced by the semi-short axis length(b)when subjected to a constant bending moment.When the thickness of the top plate(t1)falls within the range of 0.6~2 m,an increase in semi-short axis length(b)results in a decrease of maximum tensile stress by 6.8%to 9.3%.When the thickness of the bottom component(t3)is between 0.6 m and 2 m,an increase in semi-short axis length leads to a reduction of maximum compressive stress by 62.5%to 63.6%.As λ increases from 0 to 1,effective ratio of the longitudinal bending stiffness(η)exhibits a progressively decreasing trend,declining from 1%to 0.05%.This result is consistent with the calculation conclusion of the longitudinal equivalent continuity model.The research findings offer valuable insights into the structural design and bending bearing capacity verification of prefabricated components for assembled subway stations.


中山大学·深圳 航空航天学院,广东 深圳 518107||中山大学 土木工程学院,广东 珠海 519000中山大学·深圳 航空航天学院,广东 深圳 518107中铁十四局集团有限公司,山东 济南 250101



quasi-rectangular assembled subway stationlongitudinal equivalent continuity modelneutral axislongitudinal equivalent bending stiffness efficiencyaction range of the circumferential joint

《铁道科学与工程学报》 2024 (004)

1554-1566 / 13


