

Coupling coordination analysis of green agricultural planting production efficiency and comprehensive social development in Fujian Province from 2011 to 2021


[目的]了解 2011-2021 年福建省种植业绿色生产效率与全省社会综合发展的耦合协调水平,以期促进福建省种植业绿色发展.[方法]基于 2011-2021 年统计数据,采用碳排放系数法计算福建省种植业碳排放强度;通过SBM模型比较全省种植业绿色生产效率,并基于耦合协调模型衡量了种植业绿色生产效率与当地社会综合发展的耦合协调水平.[结果](1)2011-2021 年,福建省种植业碳排放强度总体上呈现先增后减的趋势.(2)福建省种植业绿色生产大致划分为四类,第一类是缓慢增长型,包括泉州和南平;第二类是先降后增型,包括莆田;第三类是稳定型,包括厦门;第四类是较快发展型,包括福州、龙岩、宁德、三明和漳州.(3)2011-2021 年,福建省种植业绿色生产效率与社会综合发展指数之间的耦合度和耦合协调度呈递增趋势.2021 年,全省达到了高度耦合和优质协调.[结论]结合福建省种植业绿色发展水平以及与社会综合发展的耦合协调情况,建议持续落实福建省农业降碳减排政策,发挥绿色优质农产品的产业优势,并进一步拓展农业的社会服务功能.

[Purpose]To analyze coupling coordination between green agricultural planting production efficiency and comprehensive social development in Fujian Province from 2011 to 2021,which is beneficial for development of green agricultural planting produc-tion.[Method]The carbon emission of agricultural planting production was calculated by carbon emission coefficient method,based on the statistical data of Fujian Province from 2011 to 2021;comparison of the efficiency of green agricultural planting produc-tion between different cities in Fujian Province,was performed by SBM model;and the coupling coordination between green agricul-tural planting production efficiency and comprehensive social development of the local society was further measured by the coupling coordination analysis model.[Result](1)The carbon emission intensity of agricultural planting production in Fujian Province was increased at first,then decreased from 2011 to 2021.(2)The green agricultural planting production efficiency in Fujian Province could be roughly divided into four types:a)slow growth type,including Quanzhou and Nanping;b)declining at first and then in-creasing type,including Putian;c)stable type,including Xiamen;d)rapid development type,including Fuzhou,Longyan,Ning-de,Sanming and Zhangzhou.(3)From 2011 to 2021,the coupling degree and coupling coordination degree between green agricul-tural planting production efficiency and comprehensive social development showed an increasing trend,and reached the highest cou-pling and high-quality coordination in 2021.[Conclusion]This study provided a suggestion for carrying out policy for sustainable development of green agricultural planting in Fujian Province,highlighting advantages of high quality green agricultural product,and extending the function of social service in agriculture,based on coupling coordination analysis between development of green agricul-tural planting production and comprehensive social development in Fujian Province.


福建农林大学国家甘蔗工程技术研究中心福建农林大学乡村振兴学院,福建 福州 350002



carbon emissionagricultural plantinggreen agricultural planting production efficiencycoupling coordination degreeFujian Province

《亚热带农业研究》 2024 (001)

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