

Effects of nitrogen fertilizer reduction on photosynthetic characteristics,nitrogen content,and yield of cotton


[目的]探究不同减氮措施对棉花叶片光合特性、氮素含量及产量的影响,为长江流域棉区减氮增效提供依据.[方法]采用随机区组设计,以'赣棉杂 1 号'为试材,共设置 4 个处理:不施氮处理(N0),常规施氮处理(N1,施氮量 345 kg·hm-2),减氮 20%处理(N2,施氮量 276 kg·hm-2),减氮并配施有机肥处理(N3,施氮量 276 kg·hm-2,其中 10%氮以有机肥形式配施).分别调查不同施氮处理下棉花农艺性状及叶片光合参数、SPAD值、含氮量,并测量其产量与纤维品质.[结果]N1、N2、N3 处理可显著提高棉株株高、茎粗、果枝台数、单株总铃数,其中N3 处理对棉株生长的促进效果优于N1、N2处理.现蕾期,N2、N3 处理功能叶净光合速率(Pn)分别比N0 处理显著提高 16.12%、17.49%,胞间CO2 浓度(Ci)分别比N0处理显著提高 33.49%、35.42%;花铃期,N2、N3 处理Pn 分别比N0 处理显著提高 28.27%、34.74%.N2、N3 处理棉花功能叶SPAD值、含氮量、光合参数及籽棉产量、纤维品质与N1 处理差异均不显著.[结论]在减氮 20%基础上配施有机肥处理(尿素折合纯氮 248.4 kg·hm-2,有机肥折合纯氮 27.6 kg·hm-2)既能减少化肥投入,又能保证较高的棉花产量,是适宜长江流域赣北棉区的施氮措施.

[Purpose]This study was conducted to explore the effects of different nitrogen reduction measures on the photosynthetic characteristics,nitrogen content,and yield of cotton;providing a basis for nitrogen reduction and efficiency enhancement in the cot-ton region of the Yangtze River Basin.[Method]Using a random block design and'Ganmianza 1'as the test material,a total of four treatments were set up:no nitrogen application treatment(N0),conventional nitrogen application treatment(N1,nitrogen ap-plication rate of 345 kg·hm-2),nitrogen reduction treatment of 20%(N2,nitrogen application rate of 276 kg·hm-2),and nitro-gen reduction and organic fertilizer application treatment(N3,nitrogen application rate of 276 kg·hm-2,of which 10%nitrogen was applied in the form of organic fertilizer).The agronomic traits and leaf photosynthetic parameters,SPAD value,nitrogen con-tent,yield,and fiber quality of cotton were assessed under different nitrogen application treatments.[Result]N1,N2,and N3 treatments significantly improved cotton plant height,stem diameter,number of fruit branches,and total number of bolls per plant.Among them,N3 treatment showed a better promoting effect on cotton plant growth than N1 and N2 treatments.During the budding stage,the net photosynthetic rate(Pn)of functional leaves treated with N2 and N3 significantly increased by 16.12%and 17.49%,and intercellular carbon dioxide concentration(Ci)significantly increased by 33.49%and 35.42%,respectively,compared to those of the N0 treatment.During the flowering stage,N2 and N3 treatments significantly increased Pn by 28.27%and 34.74%,respective-ly,compared to N0.No significant differences were observed in SPAD value,nitrogen content,photosynthetic parameters,seed cot-ton yield,and fiber quality between N2 and N3 treatment functional leaves and that of N1 treatment.[Conclusion]On the basis of reducing nitrogen by 20%,applying organic fertilizer(urea equivalent to pure nitrogen 248.4 kg·hm-2,organic fertilizer equivalent to pure nitrogen 27.6 kg·hm-2)not only reduced fertilizer input but also ensured higher cotton yield,which is a suitable nitrogen application measure in the Ganbei cotton region of the Yangtze River Basin.


江西省经济作物研究所/特色果树茶叶种植与高值利用江西省重点实验室,江西 九江 332105



cottonnitrogen reductionphotosynthetic characteristicsnitrogenyield

《亚热带农业研究》 2024 (001)

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