

Identification and analyses of 22 purple yam germplasm resources


[目的]筛选出高产、抗病、优质的紫山药地方种质资源,以期为其开发和品种改良提供依据.[方法]以 22 份紫山药种质资源为材料,综合考察产量、农艺性状、抗病性及商品性,并对农艺性状进行统计分析及相关性分析,明确紫山药产量形成的主要因子.[结果]22 份紫山药种质的农艺性状差异明显,7 个主要农艺性状的变异系数在 7.83%~52.78%之间,遗传多样性极为丰富.相关性分析表明,块茎质量与块茎长、块茎横径、叶长、叶宽呈极显著正相关.抗病性分析表明,22份紫山药种质的炭疽病田间抗性存在较大差异,一半种质不抗炭疽病.[结论]南昌紫山药、贵港紫山药和紫玉淮山综合表现较好,产量均超过 30 000 kg·hm-2,抗炭疽病、口感好、商品性佳,适宜进一步推广.

[Purpose]Local germplasm resources of purple yam with high yield,disease resistance,and high quality was screened to provide a basis for development and variety improvement.[Method]The yield,agronomic traits,disease resistance,and com-mercializing ability of 22 purple yam germplasm resources were investigated.Statistical and correlation analyses of agronomic traits were identified,and key factors of yield were determined.[Result]There were significant differences of agronomic traits among pur-ple yam tested,and the coefficients of variation for the seven main agronomic traits ranged from 7.83%to 52.78%.Genetic diversity among the 22 purple yam germplasm resources was extremely high.Correlation analysis revealed significant positive correlations a-mong tuber mass,tuber length,tuber diameter,leaf length,and leaf width.Disease resistance analysis showed that there were sig-nificant differences in the field resistance of 22 purple yam germplasm to anthrax,and half of them were not resistant to anthrax.[Conclusion]Nanchang purple yam,Guigang purple yam,and Ziyu Huaishan performed well,with an output of more than 30 000 kg·hm-2.They were resistant to anthrax,had a good taste,and had good commercial properties,suitable for further promotion.


福建省农业科学院作物研究所,福建 福州 350003德化县英山珍贵淮山农民合作社,福建 德化 362500



purple yamgermplasm resourcesagronomic traitsidentification

《亚热带农业研究》 2024 (001)

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