

Progeny evaluation and early selection of half-sib families of Chinese fir in Gannan


[目的]比较赣南地区杉木种子园半同胞家系子代的生长性状变异特征,选择早期优良家系,为杉木良种选育及推广提供参考.[方法]在江西省赣州市森源科技种苗场姜坑工区建立杉木种子园半同胞子代测定林,比较 36 个半同胞家系 6年生子代测定林的树高、胸径和单株材积等生长性状,以扦插苗(CK1)、一代混系(CK2)和三代混系(CK3)为对照,并评选出早期生长表现优异的家系.[结果]6 年生杉木子代测定林树高、胸径和单株材积在家系间均存在极显著差异;树高、胸径和单株材积平均值分别为 5.92 m、8.06 cm和 0.018 2 m3,表型变异系数和遗传变异系数分别为 14.70%、18.73%、52.75%和18.96%、25.32%、65.01%,遗传力分别为 0.454 7、0.509 6 和 0.392 5,各生长性状间存在较大的遗传差异.以参试家系树高、胸径均大于平均值 5%为标准,初选出 13、47、57、59、100、103、176 号等 7 个优良家系.其中 103、59 和 13 号家系树高、胸径及单株材积的遗传增益分别最高,分别为 5.22%、7.97%、16.17%.[结论]筛选出的 7 个家系可作为早期优良家系加以利用,其中 103、59 和 13 号家系可作为赣南地区后续重点跟踪的推广应用材料.

[Purpose]The performance and variation of growth traits of half-sib progeny of Chinese fir grown in Chinese fir seed or-chard in Gannan area were compared to select early excellent family,so as to provide reference for local Chinese fir seed breeding and promotion.[Method]A half-sib progeny forest of Chinese fir,cultivated in Jiangkeng working area of Senyuan Science and Technology Seedling Farm,Ganzhou City,Jiangxi Province for 6-year-old,were established to compare the growth traits[height,diameter at beast height(DBH)and volume]of 36 half-sib families,comprising cuttings(CK1),1st generation mixed lines(CK2)and 3rd-generation mixed lines(CK3),based on which families with excellent early growth traits were selected.[Result]The height,DBH and volume of 6-year-old Chinese fir progeny were significantly different among families.The mean values were 5.92 m,8.06 cm,0.018 2 m3,the phenotypic variation coefficients were 14.70%,18.73%,52.75%,respectively,the coefficient of genetic variation was 18.96%,25.32%,65.01%,and the heritability was 0.454 7,0.509 6,0.392 5,respectively.There were significant genetic differences among the growth traits.According to the tree height and DBH above 5%of the average,7 families(No.13,47,57,59,100,103,176)were selected.The highest genetic gains of tree height,DBH and volume per tree were No.103,59 and 13,with the genetic gains of 5.22%,7.97%and 16.17%,respectively.[Conclusion]Family No.13,47,57,59,100,103 and 176 were recommended to be early excellent families,with emphasis on family No.103,59 and 13 in the follow-up popularization and application in Gannan area.


江西环境工程职业学院,江西 赣州 341000||赣州市杉木工程技术创新中心,江西 赣州 341000赣州市易扬园林有限公司,江西 南康 341400赣州市森源科技种苗场,江西 安远 342100江西环境工程职业学院,江西 赣州 341000||赣州市森源科技种苗场,江西 安远 342100



Chinese firhalf-sib familyprogeny estimationearly selection

《亚热带农业研究》 2024 (001)

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江西林业科技创新专项"赣南速生杉木与福建高世代杉木杂交创新种质技术研究"([2022]23 号);江西林业科技创新专项"杉木种子园种子高产型无性系选择与无人机辅助授粉技术研究"([2023]31 号).

