

Effects of Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium on Yield and Fertilizer Efficiency of Oil Sunflower in Resowing Area of Southern Shanxi


为了探究晋南复播区冬小麦—夏油葵一年两熟种植模式下,施用氮磷钾肥对油用向日葵(油葵)产量及各养分利用效率的影响,于 2019-2021 年,在临汾市以临葵 4 号为材料开展田间小区肥料试验,设置氮磷钾(NPK)、无氮(PK)、无磷(NK)、无钾(NP)4 个施肥处理,分析不同施肥处理对N、P、K肥的产量反应、农学效率及肥料利用率等的影响.结果表明,NPK处理油葵 3a平均产量为3634 kg/hm2(3502~3818 kg/hm2),较PK、NK、NP处理分别增产19.6%,12.1%和 13.7%,其中 PK 处理产量最低.N、P、K 的产量反应分别为 588.8(481.0~704.7 kg/hm2),391.8(296.0~488.7 kg/hm2),438.2 kg/hm2(329.3~629.7 kg/hm2);农学效率分别为 3.8(2.8~4.9 kg/kg),3.1(2.1~4.1 kg/kg),2.9 kg/kg(2.2~4.2 kg/kg);氮、磷、钾素的地上部积累量分别为 174.4(172.5~176.8 kg/hm2),60.0(58.3~61.8 kg/hm2),241.1 kg/hm2(236.2~246.8 kg/hm2);氮、磷、钾肥的养分利用率分别为36.3%(36.0%~36.7%),15.7%(15.3%~16.2%)和 47.1%(46.0%~47.9%),其中,钾>氮>磷.因此,施用氮磷钾肥可显著增加油葵产量,且显著提高植株地上部养分的积累;在氮、磷、钾等 3 种大量元素肥料中,施用氮肥增产最多,油葵地上部分对钾吸收量最多,利用率最高.因此,生产中既要注重氮、磷、钾合理配施,同时氮和钾还要以种肥+追肥的方式补充.

In order to study the effect of applying N,P and K fertilizer on the yield and nutrient use efficiency of oil sunflower under the double cropping pattern of winter wheat-summer oil sunflower in Southern Shanxi,a field plot fertilizer experiment was carried out with Linkui 4 from 2019 to 2021.Four fertilization treatments inclu-ding NPK,PK,NK and NP were set up.The effects of different fertilization treatments on yield response,agronomic efficiency and fertilizer use efficiency of N,P,K were analyzed.The results showed that the three-year average yield of oil sunflower treated with NPK was 3634 kg/ha(3502-3818 kg/ha),which was 19.6%,12.1%,13.7%higher than that of PK/NK/NP,respectively.PK treatment had the lowest yield.The average yield responses of N,P and K fertilizers were 588.8(481.0-704.7 kg/ha),391.8(296.0-488.7 kg/ha),438.2 kg/ha(329.3-629.7 kg/ha),respectively.The agronomic efficiencies of N,P and K were 3.8(2.8-4.9 kg/kg),3.1(2.1-4.1 kg/kg),2.9 kg/kg(2.2-4.2 kg/kg),respectively.The aboveground accumulations of N,P and K were 174.4(172.5-176.8 kg/ha),60.0(58.3-61.8 kg/ha),241.1 kg/ha(236.2-246.8 kg/ha),respectively.The nutri-ent use efficiency of N,P,K was 36.3%(36.0%—36.7%),15.7%(15.3%—16.2%)and 47.1%(46.0%—47.9%),respectively,of which K>N>P.So the application of N,P and K fertilizer could not only significantly in-crease the oil sunflower yield but also the aboveground accumulation of N,P and K.Among the three kinds of NPK fertilizers,N increased the yield most,and K uptake by the aboveground part and utilization rate of oil sunflower was the highest.Therefore,in the production we should pay attention to the reasonable application of N,P and K,while N and K should be supplemented by seed fertilizer and topdressing.


山西农业大学 小麦研究所,山西 临汾 041000



Oil sunflowerNPK fertilizerNutrient use efficiencyResowing area of Southern Shanxi

《华北农学报》 2024 (002)

136-142 / 7


