

Detection and Analysis of RXFP2 Gene SNPs Related to Horn Trait of Oula Sheep


旨在分析有角和无角欧拉羊群体RXFP2 基因对犄角表型的调控作用及相关SNP分子标记,以期为欧拉羊的遗传改良、品种培育提供技术支持.通过采集青海省河南县健康成年欧拉羊母羊血液样品 100 份,其中有角、无角各50 份,提取DNA,随机选取有角、无角样品各 15 份开展全基因组测序,随后采用多重 PCR 扩增全部血样验证RXFP2 基因SNP.全基因组检测结果表明,包含RXFP2 基因在内的欧拉羊10 号染色体存在强选择信号,最强选择信号出现在RXFP2 基因区段;多重PCR检测验证了全基因组重测序筛查到的4 个编码区SNP的准确性,并检测到7 个欧拉羊RXFP2基因内含子区域高频SNPs(29508704G>A、29509428A>C、29509766G>A、29512170G>A、29512176G>A、29514968T>A、29521377C>A);经统计检验,该7 个SNP位点的基因型在犄角有无表型上表现出分离,纯合子基因型均100%表现为无角或有角,杂合子基因型89.66%表现为无角,10.34%表现为有角;突变等位基因频率小于野生等位基因频率,群体表现为哈代温伯格不平衡状态,受到人工选择强度大,但多态信息含量中等,选育改良潜力仍较大.综上,确认了RXFP2 基因在欧拉羊群体中对犄角有无的强调控作用,并筛选出了欧拉羊RXFP2 基因的7 个犄角有无表型的分子标记,相关结果可作为欧拉羊无角性状群体的遗传改良的分子标记.

The aim of this study was to analyze the regulatory effect of RXFP2 gene on horned phenotype and related SNP markers in horned and hornless Oula sheep populations,in order to provide technical support for genetic improvement and breed breeding of Oula sheep.DNA was extracted from 100 ewe blood samples of healthy adult Oula sheep in Henan County,Qinghai Province,including 50 blood samples with horns and 50 blood samples with-out horns,respectively,15 samples with and without horns were randomly selected for whole genome sequencing,and then all blood samples were amplified by multiple PCR to verify the SNPs of RXFP2 gene.Genome-wide detection results showed that there were strong selection signals in chromosome 10 of Oula sheep,including RXFP2 gene,and the strongest selection signals appeared in the RXFP2 gene segment.Multiple PCR tests verified the accuracy of the 4 coding SNPs screened by whole genome resequencing.Seven high frequency SNPs in the intron region of RXFP2 gene were detected in Oula sheep(29508704G>A,29509428A>C,29509766G>A,29512170G>A,2951276G>A,29514968T>A,29521377C>A).The genotypes of the 7 SNP loci were separated in hornless phenotypes.100%of homozygous genotypes appeared horned or hornless trait,89.66%of heterozygous genotypes were hornless trait and 10.34%were horned trait.The frequency of mutant alleles was less than that of wild alleles,and the population showed an unbalanced state of Hardy-Weinberg,which meant subject to high artificial selection intensity,but the con-tent of polymorphic information was moderate,and the potential of breeding and improvement was still large.In con-clusion,the present study confirmed the strong regulatory effect of RXFP2 gene on horn trait in Oula sheep,and fil-tered out 7 molecular markers of RXFP2 gene on horn trait in Oula sheep population.The relevant results can be used as molecular markers for genetic improvement of the hornless population of Oula sheep.


青海大学 畜牧兽医科学院,青海 西宁 810016||青海省高原家畜遗传资源保护与创新利用重点实验室,青海 西宁 810016||农业农村部青藏高原畜禽遗传育种重点实验室,青海 西宁 810016河南蒙古族自治县有机产业科技园区管理委员会,青海 黄南 811300河南蒙古族自治县生态有机畜牧业技术服务中心,青海 黄南 811300河南蒙古族自治县畜牧兽医站,青海 黄南 811300



Oula sheepRXFP2 geneSNPs polymorphic siteHorn traitMolecular marker

《华北农学报》 2024 (002)

200-208 / 9


