

Comprehensive analysis of the phenotypic variation among seedling populations of Camellia chekiangoleosa


为研究浙江红花油茶实生群体的表型变异规律及优良单株筛选方法,加强对浙江红花油茶基因资源的保护和育种利用,以浙江红花油茶(Camellia chekiangoleosa)实生群体为研究对象,对其表型性状进行变异分析、相关性分析、回归分析和通径分析,结合主成分分析、模糊隶属函数法和多维空间坐标综合评定值累加法进行优良单株的选择.结果表明:单株之间变异丰富,25 个表型性状的变异系数为 5.74%~57.16%,多样性指数为 1.934 6~2.095 9,产量经济性状的变异幅度最大,多样性指数最小;回归分析与通径分析确定了果实数、单果鲜籽重、单果干仁重和种仁含油率是影响单株产油量的关键表型性状,其中,单果干仁重是主要决策变量,果实数是主要限制变量;主成分分析将25个性状转化为6个主成分因子,累计贡献率为86.557%.根据以上研究结果筛选出9株优良单株,可作为浙江红花油茶丰产优质新品种的选育材料.

In this study,seedling populations of Camellia chekiangoleosa were analyzed to investigate their phenotypic variation,screen for superior individuals,and strengthen the conservation of genetic resources for breeding utilization.Variation,correlation,regression,and path analyses were performed on important economic traits.Principal component analysis as well as the subordinate function value and multidimensional coordinate synthetic evaluation methods were used to select the superior individuals.The results showed high phenotypic variation among the individual plants,with the coefficient of variation of 25 traits being 5.74%-57.16%and the diversity index being 1.934 6-2.095 9.The regression analysis revealed that the number of fruits,fresh seed weight per fruit,dry kernel weight per fruit,and kernel oil content were the key phenotypic traits affecting oil yield per plant.The path analysis identified the dry kernel weight per fruit as the main decision variable and the number of fruits as the main limiting variable.With principal component analysis,the 25 traits were transformed into 6 main principle components with a cumulative contribution rate of 86.557%.Nine superior individuals were screened out by using the above three methods.In conclusion,the high phenotypic variation among seedling populations of C.chekiangoleosa provides a material basis for the breeding of new high-yielding and high-quality varieties.


福建农林大学林学院,福建 福州 350002



Camellia chekiangoleosaseedling populationphenotypic traitspath analysisprincipal component analysissuperior individual

《森林与环境学报》 2024 (003)

274-282 / 9


