

Morphological Characteristics and Molecular Identification of Postharmostomum gallinum


许多地方都报道过鸡盲肠中的吸虫,但对其详细的形态学和分子鉴定的研究较少.为对辽宁锦州地区家鸡盲肠中分离到的数条吸虫做虫种鉴定,观察了其成虫和虫卵的形态学特征,对成虫和虫卵进行了分子生物学分析.结果显示,分离到的吸虫形态呈舌状,口吸盘和咽部十分发达,食道短,2条盲肠弯曲,伸达到虫体的末端.睾丸前后排列于虫体的后部,卵巢位于睾丸的对侧.卵黄腺发达,直伸到虫体前部.虫卵淡黄色,呈芝麻状,有卵盖,卵内含有毛蚴.形态学观察鉴定为鸡后口吸虫.利用PCR扩增该吸虫的rDNA ITS序列,测序后经NCBI数据库比对分析,测序所得序列与鸡后口吸虫(MH915391)的序列相似性为99.76%;基于ITS-2序列构建系统进化树,分析显示分离的吸虫与鸡后口吸虫聚集在同一个分支.结果表明,病鸡盲肠中分离鉴定出鸡后口吸虫,为该虫的分子检测提供依据.

The presence of trematodes in chicken ceca has been reported in many places,but there are few studies on its morphological and molecular identification.In Jinzhou of Liaoning district,a few trematodes were isolated from chicken ceca.In order to identify the species of several chicken trematodes isolated from Jinzhou,morphological observations of adults and eggs were carried out.Observations showed that the trematode is tongue-shaped with a well-developed oral sucker and pharynx,short esophagus,and two curved intestinal branches that extend to the end of the body.The testes are arranged in the back of the body,the ovary is located on the opposite side of the testes,and the vitellaria gland is well developed,and extended to the front of the worm's body.While the egg of Postharmostomum gallinum with a color of light yellow,looks like the sesame,has the structure of egg lip and contains a mature miracidum.The trematode was identified as Postharmostomum gallinum after morphological observation.PCR was used to amplify the rDNA ITS sequence of the fluke.After sequencing,NCBI database was used to compare and analyze the homology between the sequenced sequence and the sequence of Postharmostomum gallinum from chickens in Hunan with the MH915391,the homology was 99.76%.Phylogenetic tree was construc-ted with ITS-2 sequences.Results showed that the trematode isolated in this study and Postharmostomum gallinum from Hunan were clustered in one branch,and provided a reference for further molecular diagnosis of Postharmostomum.


东北农业大学动物源性人兽共患病黑龙江省重点实验室,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030||锦州医科大学畜牧兽医学院,辽宁锦州 121001东北农业大学动物源性人兽共患病黑龙江省重点实验室,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030



Postharmostomum gallinummorphologymolecular identificationITS-2 sequence

《动物医学进展》 2024 (005)

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