

Survey on Solving Cold Start Problem in Recommendation Systems



Recommender systems provide important functions in areas such as dealing with data overload,providing personalized consulting services,and assisting clients in investment decisions.However,the cold start problem in recommender systems has always been in urgent need of solution and optimization.Based on this,this paper classi-fies the traditional methods and cutting-edge methods to solve the cold start problem,and expounds the research progress and excellent methods in recent years.Firstly,three traditional solutions to the cold start problem are sum-marized:recommendation based on content filtering,recommendation based on collaborative filtering,and hybrid recommendation.Secondly,the current cutting-edge recommendation algorithms to solve the cold start problem are summarized,and they are classified into the data-driven strategy and the method-driven strategy.The method-driven strategy is divided into algorithms based on meta-learning,algorithms based on context information and session str-ategy,algorithms based on random walk,algorithms based on heterogeneous graph information and attribute graph,and algorithms based on adversarial mechanism.According to the type of cold start problem,the algorithms are di-vided into two categories:new users and new items.Then,according to the particularity of the recommendation field,the cold start problem of the recommendation in the multimedia information field and the online e-commerce platform field is expounded.Finally,the possible research directions to solve the cold start problem in the future are summarized.


西华大学 电气与电子信息学院,成都 610039



cold startrecommender systemsmeta-learningcontext informationrandom walk

《计算机科学与探索》 2024 (005)

1197-1210 / 14

四川省科技成果转移转化项目(2020ZHCG0099);教育部春晖计划项目(Z2018087). This work was supported by the Transfer and Transformation of Scientific and Technological Project of Sichuan Province(2020ZHCG0099),and the Chunhui Project of the Ministry of Education of China(Z2018087).

