

Trajectory Transition of Two-axis Galvanometer Scanning System Based on Bezier Curve



The two-axis galvanometer scanning projection system is an emerging research field that assists production and manufacturing by projecting CAD graphics onto the target surface,effectively improving production efficiency and manufacturing accuracy.In the past,setting a jump delay ensured the accuracy of scanning graphics during the jump process,without considering the operation of the motor.To solve the problem of motor vibration and impact during the scanning process,a trajectory transition is added to the free section of the scanning trajectory based on the Bezier curve.Combined with the working characteristics of equidistant dispersion of the scanning pattern by the two-axis mirror system,the position conditions of the Bezier curve control points for smooth transition at the intersection of the scanning trajectory are obtained.Subsequently,trajectory transitions are added to the scanned graphics according to smooth transition conditions,and iterative optimization is performed based on the maximum curvature of the trajectory.Finally,the optimization effect of trajectory transition is simulated and verified based on a typical voice coil motor model.The results show that for a two-axis mirror scanning laser projection system,using Bezier curves for trajectory transition is simple and efficient,effectively eliminating speed and acceleration mutations during motor operation,reducing vibration and impact during operation,and ensuring the accuracy of scanning graphics.


同济大学机械与能源工程学院,上海 201804



two-axis galvanometerlaser projectiontrajectory transition

《机电工程技术》 2024 (004)

174-179 / 6

