

Sintering Performance of Titanium Powder under Cold Isostatic Pressure


这是一篇冶金工程领域的论文.本文选用TiH2粉作为实验原料,研究冷等静压不同压制压强和保压时间下TiH2粉的烧结行为,揭示压制压强和保压时间对TiH2烧结试样收缩率和相对密度的影响,以提高压坯密度和产品性能.研究结果表明:烧结试样收缩率随压制压强增加减小,压制压强达到400 MPa后,压制压强对烧结试样相对密度影响不大,出于制样效率及该冷等静压机压制压强极限考虑,压制压强不宜超过400 MPa;烧结试样收缩率随保压时间增加减小,当保压时间达到20 min后,烧结试样相对密度随着保压时间的延长变化甚微,出于制样效率的考虑,保压时间以15~20 min为宜.

This is an article in the field of metallurgical engineering.In this article,TiH2 powder was selected as the experimental raw material to study the sintering behavior of TiH2 powder under different pressing pressure and holding time in cold isostatic pressing,to reveal the effects of pressing pressure and holding time on the shrinkage as well as the relative density of TiH2 sintered specimens,in order to improve the density of the billet and the performance of the products.The results show that the shrinkage of the sintered sample decreases with the increase of the pressing pressure,and when the pressing pressure reaches 400 MPa,the pressing pressure has little effect on the relative density of the sintered sample.For the consideration of the sample preparation efficiency and the pressing pressure limit of the cold isostatic press,the pressing pressure should not exceed 400 Mpa.The shrinkage of sintered samples decreases with the increase of holding time,and when the holding time reaches 20 min,the relative density of sintered samples changes little with the extension of holding time.For the consideration of sample preparation efficiency,the suitable holding time is 15~20 min.


昆明冶金高等专科学校冶金与矿业学院,云南 昆明 650033||昆明理工大学冶金与能源工程学院 云南 昆明 650093昆明冶金高等专科学校科技处,云南 昆明 650033昆明冶金高等专科学校冶金与矿业学院,云南 昆明 650033||昆明市稀散及贵金属资源综合利用重点实验室,云南 昆明 650033浙江华友钴业股份有限公司 浙江 嘉兴 314500



Metallurgical engineeringTitanium powderTiH2Cold isostatic pressureSintering

《矿产综合利用》 2024 (002)

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