

Effects of shoot pinching on growth and development of Lycium barbarum'Ningqi 1'branches,flowers and fruits


[目的]研究近年来枸杞生产中因修剪措施不当而导致营养枝旺长,产量降低,果实品质下降等问题;探究枸杞结果枝摘心后,果实外形指标、品质、产量及产值的变化规律,探索夏季修剪中摘心处理的最佳修剪程度,为枸杞果实提质增产提供参考.[方法]以'宁杞1号'(Lycium barbarum'Ningqi 1')为试材,对枸杞结果枝进行不同程度的摘心处理,以仅疏除徒长枝的枸杞树为对照,分析经过不同程度摘心处理后的枸杞结果枝第一、二年各指标的生长变化,并对结果枝上枸杞果实的外形指标及内在品质的差异性进行研究.[结果]摘心处理后,结果枝上花果物候期提前且更加集中,有利于分批集中采收.同时摘心留枝18节(SP1)、30节(SP4)处理后果实纵横径较对照组更大,内在品质中可溶性固形物、总糖、多糖、甜菜碱、总黄酮、胡萝卜素、VC较对照组均有所提高.结果枝上枸杞产量在第一年较对照组分别提高了12.61%、17.89%;第二年产量较对照组分别提高36.95%、32.54%.[结论]摘心处理后,一年生结果枝上枸杞果实品质更好,而二年生结果枝上枸杞果实的品质及产量产值均有所提高,其中摘心留枝18节(SP1)、30节(SP4)两组摘心处理后更加明显达到提质增产的目的.

[Objective]In recent years,the improper pruning measures have resulted in the excessive growth of nutrient branches,yield reduction,fruit quality decline.This study aims to explore the change rule of fruit shape index,quality,yield and production value after shooting the fruiting branches of wolfberry and identify the optimal pruning degree of shoot pinching in summer pruning,thus providing references for improving quality and increasing production of wolfberry fruits.[Method]Using Lycium barbarum'Ningqi 1'as the test material,the fruiting branches of wolfberry were subjected to different degrees of shoot pinching,and the wolfberry trees with only sparing of the ungrown branches were used as the control.The changes of growth indexes of wolfberry trees and fruiting branches in the first and second years after different shoot pinching were analyzed.After fruit ripening,the variability of appearance indexes and intrinsic quality of wolfberry fruits on fruiting branches were studied.[Result]After pinching,the flowering and fruiting season of fruiting branches advanced and became more concentrated,which was conducive to batch harvesting.In addition,the longitudinal and transverse diameters of the fruits were larger than those of the control group after the treatment of 18 sections(SP1)and 30 sections(SP4)of pinching,and the intrinsic quality of soluble solids,total sugars,polysaccharides,betaine,total flavonoids,carotenoids,and VC increased compared with those of the control group.The yield of wolfberry on the first year fruiting branches increased by 12.61%and 17.89%respectively compared with the control group;the yield of the second year fruiting branches increased by 36.95%and 32.54%respectively compared with that of the control group.[Conclusion]After pinching treatment,the quality of wolfberry fruits on the first year fruiting branches was better,and the quality and yield production value of wolfberry fruits on the second year fruiting branches were improved.Among them,the two groups of pinching 18 nodes(SP1)and 30 nodes(SP4)were more obvious in improving quality and increasing yield.


宁夏大学 农学院,宁夏 银川 750021||宁夏优势特色作物现代分子育种重点实验室,宁夏 银川 750021宁夏大学 农学院,宁夏 银川 750021宁夏大学 农学院,宁夏 银川 750021||林木资源高效生产全国重点实验室,宁夏 银川 750021宁夏大学 农学院,宁夏 银川 750021||宁夏优势特色作物现代分子育种重点实验室,宁夏 银川 750021||林木资源高效生产全国重点实验室,宁夏 银川 750021



Lycium barbarum'Ningqi 1'pruningquality and yield enhancementshoot pinchingthe breeding season for flowers and fruits

《江西农业大学学报》 2024 (002)

314-327 / 14

国家自然科学基金项目(32360407)和宁夏回族自治区自然基金项目(2022AAC03095) Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(32360407)and Nature Fund Project of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region(2022AAC03095)

