

Effects of saline water drip irrigation on growth and yield of protected tomato under yellow sand cultivation model


[目的]针对南疆地区淡水资源紧缺及土壤盐渍化问题,探究黄沙栽培模式下咸水滴灌对基质水盐分布、设施番茄生长及产量的影响,同时利用Logistic模型研究番茄的动态生长变化,确定适宜南疆黄沙栽培模式下设施番茄咸水滴灌的矿化度阈值,以期为南疆设施农业咸水高效利用技术提供理论依据与技术支撑.[方法]试验以黄沙基质设施番茄为研究对象,设置5个灌溉水矿化度处理,分别为2 g/L(T1)、3 g/L(T2)、4 g/L(T3)、5 g/L(T4)和6 g/L(T5),并以淡水灌溉为对照(CK)开展黄沙栽培模式下咸水滴灌对基质水盐分布、设施番茄生长发育、产量构成因素及灌溉水利用效率的影响研究.[结果]在黄沙栽培模式下,全生育期内各处理基质含水率和含盐量与灌溉水矿化度呈正相关,均随灌溉水矿化度的升高而增加;番茄不同生育期各处理0~25 cm的基质平均含水率在开花结果期达到最大,其中与CK处理相比,2 g/L基质平均含水率增加不明显,而当矿化度增加到3 g/L以上时,基质平均含水率显著升高,分别增加7.51%、10.67%、14.44%、18.10%;番茄不同生育期0~25 cm基质平均含盐量在结果末期达到峰值,其中T3、T4、T5处理积盐效果较为明显,基质含盐量高达8.49,9.82,10.50 g/kg.番茄株高、茎粗和干物质生长随生育期推进呈逐渐增大后基本不变的S型变化趋势,Logistic模型可用于精确描述不同灌溉水矿化度处理下番茄株高、茎粗及干物质累积量的动态生长过程,拟合方程的决定系数R2均达到0.94以上.番茄生长指标、总产量及灌溉水利用效率均随灌溉水矿化度的增加呈先升高后下降的变化趋势,其中3 g/L的总产量和灌溉水利用效率分别达到47.17 t/hm2和15.22 kg/m3,显著高于其他处理.[结论]综合考虑番茄生长发育及产量等因素,在黄沙栽培模式下推荐2~3 g/L灌溉水矿化度对设施番茄进行灌溉,可有效缓解淡水短缺及土壤盐渍化问题,为南疆地区大面积推广沙培番茄提供科学依据.

[Objective]In order to meet the challenge of freshwater resource scarcity and soil salinization in the southern border region,this study investigates the effects of brackish water drip irrigation on the distribution of substrate water and salt,growth and yield of facility tomato under the yellow sand cultivation mode.Moreover,the study explores the dynamic growth change of tomato by using the Logistic model to determine the threshold of mineralization for brackish water drip irrigation of facility tomato under the yellow sand cultivation mode in the southern border region,thus providing the theoretical basis and technological support for the efficient use of brackish water in facility agriculture in the region.[Method]In this experiment,five irrigation water mineralization treatments of 2 g/L(T1),3 g/L(T2),4 g/L(T3),5 g/L(T4)and 6 g/L(T5)were set up with yellow sand substrate facility tomato as the research object,and freshwater irrigation as the control(CK)was used to investigate the effect of brackish drip irrigation on the distribution of substrate water salinity,the growth and development of the facility tomato,the constituent factors of yield,and the efficiency of irrigation water use under the yellow sand cultivation mode.[Result]Under the yellow sand cultivation mode,the water content and salinity of the substrate of each treatment during the whole reproductive period were positively correlated with the mineralization of irrigation water,and both increased with the increase of the mineralization of irrigation water;the average water content of the substrate of each treatment from 0 to 25 cm in different reproductive periods of tomato reached the maximum in the flowering and fruiting period,of which the increase of the average water content of the substrate of 2 g/L was not obvious when compared with that of the CK treatment.The average water content of the substrate of 2 g/L significantly increased when the mineralization increased to 3 g/L or more.Compared with the CK treatment,the increase in the average water content of 2 g/L substrate was not obvious.When the mineralization increased to more than 3 g/L,the average water content of substrate was significantly higher,increased by 7.51%,10.67%,14.44%and 18.10%,respectively;the average salinity of 0-25 cm substrate at different fertility periods of tomato reached a peak at the end of fruiting,of which the salt accumulation effect of T3,T4 and T5 treatments was more obvious,and the salt content of the substrate was as high as 8.49,9.82 and 10.50 g/kg.Tomato plant height,stem thickness and dry matter growth showed an S-shaped trend of gradual increase and then basically unchanged with the advancement of fertility.The logistic model could be used to accurately describe the dynamic growth process of tomato plant height,stem thickness and dry matter accumulation under different treatments of irrigation water mineralization.The determination coefficient R2 of the fitting equation was above 0.94.The growth indexes,total yield and irrigation water use efficiency of tomato showed a trend of increasing and then decreasing with the increase of irrigation water mineralization,in which the total yield and irrigation water use efficiency of 3 g/L reached 47.17 t/hm2 and 15.22 kg/m3,respectively,which were significantly higher than those of the other treatments.[Conclusion]Considering the growth and development of tomato and yield and other factors,this study recommends 2-3 g/L irrigation water mineralization for facility tomato under yellow sand cultivation mode,which can effectively alleviate the shortage of fresh water and soil salinity.This study provides scientific basis for the large-scale popularization of sand cultivation of tomato in the southern border area.


塔里木大学 水利与建筑工程学院,新疆 阿拉尔 843300||新疆现代农业工程重点实验室,新疆 阿拉尔 843300塔里木大学 水利与建筑工程学院,新疆 阿拉尔 843300||新疆现代农业工程重点实验室,新疆 阿拉尔 843300||农业农村部西北绿洲节水农业重点实验室,新疆 石河子 832000



saline water drip irrigationyellow sand substratedistribution of water and saltgrowthyieldtomato

《江西农业大学学报》 2024 (002)

356-366 / 11

国家自然科学基金项目(51669032) Project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(51669032)

