

Bibliometric and visual analysis of SCI indexed papers on e-cigarette or vaping product use as-sociated lung injury from 2013 to 2022


[背景]近年来,青少年电子烟使用率不断上升,且电子烟相关肺损伤病例激增,引起各领域研究人员的关注. [目的]通过文献计量学及可视化分析探讨 2013-2022年全球范围内电子烟或电子烟产品使用相关肺损伤(EVALI)的研究热点与趋势. [方法]选用Web of Science核心数据库,获取2013-2022年全球EVALI相关的文献,从国家/地区、机构、作者、期刊、被引文献、关键词等方面进行统计,采用CiteSpace 6.2.R1绘制发文量趋势分析图、作者合作网络分析图、论文共被引聚类时间分布图、关键词聚类分析图等图谱,并对数据进行可视化分析. [结果]通过检索,2013-2022年间EVALI相关研究的文献共有 888篇.发文量逐年增加,在2020年增幅明显,从 2021年开始有所下降,但引用量逐年增加.发文量最活跃的国家是美国(631篇),欧美国家合作紧密且中心性更为突出,发文机构中加州大学系统以 103篇居榜首.Rahman I(27篇)发表论文最多,中心度较高;Goniewicz M L被引文献最多;网络分析图显示作者间的合作相对较弱.American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine(《美国呼吸与重症监护医学杂志》)是发文量最高的期刊(94篇).被引次数前 5名的文献均被引用超过 300次.EVALI相关研究的高频关键词依次是nicotine(尼古丁,149次),exposure(暴露,118次)、oxidative stress(氧化应激,80次)等.共同引用网络中关键节点的聚类和聚类时间分布图表明青少年电子烟成瘾开始受到社会的广泛关注.从突现分析得到排名前 25个关键词来看,对EVALI发病机制的研究重点逐渐从电子烟蒸气对肺产生的氧化应激损伤转向调味化学物质在肺损伤过程中发挥的氧化作用,目前该领域研究的兴趣主要是电子烟中各种化学物质以及加热元件对肺的损伤机制. [结论]EVALI正受到政府、医疗机构等领域研究人员的持续关注.多种电子烟成分如调味化学物质产生了不同程度的细胞毒性、炎症和肺损伤.但EVALI的病理生理机制仍不清楚,未来应鼓励更多的中国学者参与该领域研究.

[Background]In recent years,the rising number of e-cigarette users among adolescents and the surging cases of lung injury related to e-cigarette use have attracted the attention of researchers in various fields. [Objective]To identify the research hotspots and trends of e-cigarette or vaping product use as-sociated lung injury(EVALI)worldwide from 2013 to 2022 by bibliometric and visual analysis. [Methods]Web of Science Core Collection was selected to obtain literature related to EVALI from 2013 to 2022 across the world,statistics were calculated by country/region,institution,author,journal,cited literature,keyword,etc.CiteSpace 6.2.R1 was used for visual analysis to draw diagrams of publication trend,author cooperation network,co-citation clustering time distribution,and keyword cluster. [Results]A total of 888 EVALI-related papers published between 2013 and 2022 were retrieved.The number of publications was gradually increased,with a significant increase in 2020 and a decrease from 2021,but the number of citations was increased year by year.The most active country was the United States(631 articles).European and American countries cooperated closely and the centrality was prominent.Among the publishing institutions,the University of California system topped the list with 103 articles.Rahman I(27 articles)published the most articles and had a high degree of centrality;Goniewicz M L was the most cited author;and the network analysis diagram showed relatively weak collaboration between authors.The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine was the journal with the highest number of publications(94 articles).The top 5 cited articles were all cited more than 300 times.The leading high-frequency keywords of EVALI-related studies were nicotine(149 times),exposure(118 times),and oxidative stress(80 times).The cluster of key nodes in the co-citation network and the clustering time distribution diagram indicated youth e-cigarette addiction received widespread attention from society.From the top 25 keywords with the strongest bursts,the focus of research on the pathogenesis of EVALI gradually shifted from the oxidative stress damage associated with e-cigarette vapor to the oxidative effect of flavoring chemicals in the process of lung injury.The current research interests in this field were mainly the mechanisms of various chemicals in e-cigarettes and the heating elements that led to damage to the lungs. [Conclusion]EVALI is receiving continuous attention from researchers in government,medical institutions,and other organizations.A va-riety of e-cigarette ingredients such as flavoring chemicals may lead to varying degrees of cytotoxicity,inflammation,and lung damage.However,the pathophysiology of EVALI remains unclear.In the future,more Chinese scholars should be encouraged to participate in this field.


西南医科大学 临床医学院,四川泸州 646000西南医科大学 中西医结合学院,四川泸州 646000西南医科大学 医学影像系,四川泸州 646000西南医科大学附属医院呼吸与危重症医学科,四川泸州 646000



e-cigarette or vaping product use associated lung injurye-cigaretteCiteSpacebibliometricsvisual analysis

《环境与职业医学》 2024 (004)

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