

Numerical simulation study on the coal-bed methane displacement effect of different gas injection components


注气促抽瓦斯的注气成分主要有N2,CO2 和空气,但目前针对不同注入成分的置驱效果对比研究较少.针对该问题,建立了考虑裂隙气体渗流和基质孔隙气体扩散的注气成分置驱瓦斯数学模型,在对该模型验证的基础上,模拟注入气体置驱煤样瓦斯气体过程,并对比研究相同注气压力和煤体渗透率条件下不同注气成分(N2,CO2 和空气)对瓦斯的置驱效果.结果表明:①相同注气时间下,从注气端到排气端,注入气体的体积分数逐渐降低,在注气端附近注入气体的体积分数最高;瓦斯体积分数逐渐增加,在排气端附近瓦斯体积分数最高;随着注气时间增加,注入气体的体积分数增加区域逐渐向排气端移动直至覆盖整个煤样,瓦斯体积分数降低区域也逐渐向排气端移动直至覆盖整个煤样,表明煤样中的瓦斯逐渐被置换出来,进而被驱替出整个煤样.②在相同注气时间内,从注气端到排气端,N2,CO2 和空气 3种注入气体体积分数和瓦斯体积分数具有相似的变化规律,即从注气端到排气端,注入气体体积分数逐渐降低、瓦斯体积分数逐渐升高,随着注气时间增加,注入气体的体积分数增高区域增加.相同注气时间、煤样相同位置处注入气体的体积分数和瓦斯体积分数互补,即相加为 100%.③3种注入气体对瓦斯的置驱效果排序为CO2>空气>N2.④对排气端气体的体积分数分析可知,排气端气体的体积分数随时间变化可分为突破阶段、平衡进行阶段和置驱完成阶段.不同注入气体 3个阶段持续时间不同,注入N2 突破时间和置驱完成时间分别为 30,90 min;注入CO2 突破时间和置驱完成时间分别为 20,80 min;注入空气突破时间和置驱完成时间分别为 28,87 min.⑤在现场应用时,应根据具体煤层的吸附解吸能力、煤层自燃特性等选择合适的注入气体.

The main components of gas injection to promote methane extraction are N2,CO2,and air,but there is currently limited research on the comparison of displacement effects for different injection components.In order to solve the above problems,a mathematical model for gas injection displacement considering fracture gas seepage and matrix pore gas diffusion is established.Based on the validation of the model,the process of injecting gas into coal samples for methane displacement is simulated.The effects of different injection components(N2,CO2,and air)on methane displacement are compared and studied under the same injection pressure and coal permeability conditions.The results show the following points.①Under the same injection time,the volume fraction of injected gas gradually decreases from the injection end to the exhaust end,with the highest injected gas volume fraction near the injection end.The methane volume fraction gradually increases,with the highest methane volume fraction near the exhaust end.As the injection time increases,the area with an increase in injected gas volume fraction gradually moves towards the exhaust end until it covers the entire coal sample.The area with a decrease in methane volume fraction also gradually moves towards the exhaust end until it covers the entire coal sample.It indicates that the methane in the coal sample is gradually displaced and driven out of the whole sample.②Within the same injection time,from the injection end to the exhaust end,the volume fractions of N2,CO2,and air injected gases and methane have similar changes.That is,from the injection end to the exhaust end,the volume fraction of injected gas gradually decreases and the methane volume fraction gradually increases.With the increase of injection time,the area of increase in injected gas volume fraction increases.The volume fraction of injected gas and methane at the same injection time and at the same position of the coal sample complement each other,that is,they add up to 100%.③The ranking of the methane displacement effects of three types of injected gases is CO2>air>N2.④The analysis of the gas volume fraction at the exhaust end shows that the gas volume fraction at the exhaust end can be divided into breakthrough stage,equilibrium stage,and displacement completion stage over time.The duration of the three stages of injecting different gases varies,with N2 breakthrough time and displacement completion time of 30 and 90 minutes,respectively.The breakthrough time for CO2 injection and the completion time for displacement are 20 and 80 minutes,respectively.The breakthrough time for air injection and the completion time for displacement are 28 and 87 minutes,respectively.⑤When applied on site,appropriate injection gases should be selected based on the adsorption and desorption capacity of specific coal seams,as well as the spontaneous combustion features of coal seams.


河南工业和信息化职业学院,河南 焦作 454000中国矿业大学(北京) 能源与矿业学院,北京 100083



gas extractiongas injection and extractiongas injection componentsgas displacementdisplacement effectgas injection endexhaust end

《工矿自动化》 2024 (004)

112-120 / 9


