

Acoustic emission characteristics of full-graded concrete fracture process after cyclic damage


为研究初始循环损伤对全级配混凝土断裂损伤特性的影响,对承受不同初始循环损伤的全级配混凝土梁进行三点弯断裂试验研究,并结合声发射(acoustic emission,AE)技术对预损伤后断裂过程进行监测.结果表明:初始循环荷载增幅越大,混凝土梁在初始循环阶段累积的损伤越大,损伤后再加载的峰值荷载越小,脆性特征更明显;对比分析多个AE损伤指数发现,在加载中后期,全级配混凝土的断裂特性受初始循环损伤的影响逐渐变小,此时试件的受损主要受到内部大骨料分布的影响;对预损伤后加载过程中RA-AF值(RA value-average frequency value)分析可知,剪切裂纹占比随加载进程的推进递增,但拉伸裂纹占比始终占主导地位,且随着初始循环增幅越大,破坏时剪切裂纹占比越大.研究成果对预测分析混凝土大坝断裂破坏具有较好的实际应用价值.

As the main infrastructure of the water conservancy project,the concrete dam undertakes the functions of power generation,flood control and shipping.However,the fatigue damage inside the concrete,caused from repeated loads such as water,temperature and earthquake,accumulates continuously.The durability of the dam is seriously reduced and the stiffness is rapidly degraded,which endangers the normal operation of the dam.However,previous studies mainly focused on single static and dynamic load conditions.In addition,scholars often used wet screening concrete specimens,which were made of coarse aggregates with a particle size greater than 40 mm slowly after screening,to indirectly obtain the basic properties of dam concrete.Due to the influence of aggregate chain effect,it was difficult to accurately reflect the mechanical properties of dam concrete.Therefore,it is helpful to the construction of dam engineering and improves the safety of concrete dams,considering the influence of initial cyclic damage on the fracture characteristics of full-graded dams. In order to study the effects of increased cyclic amplitude(2.5 kN,5.0 kN,7.5 kN)on the fracture characteristics of full-graded concrete,three-point bending fracture test was carried out on fully-graded concrete specimens subjected to initial cyclic damage.The fracture damage process was monitored by acoustic emission technology. The results showed that the greater the increased amplitude of the initial cyclic load,the greater the cumulative damage of concrete beams in the initial cyclic damage stage.Moreover,the peak load after damage decreases correspondingly,and the brittleness characteristic is more obvious.Through the analysis of AE b-value,it is found that after the peak load,b-value had a significant decline stage.At this stage,the microcracks in the beam rapidly converged and expanded into macroscopic cracks.Late in the loading phase,the b-value fluctuated slowly around 1.0.It indicated that new micro-cracks were continuously generated inside the specimen and expanded into macroscopic cracks.The formation of macroscopic cracks in the loading process can be well characterized by the change of b-value.By comparing the AE damage index of energy,ringing count and impact number,it could be found that the damage index curves of the three groups of specimens appeared multiple points of intersection with the advance of the loading process.The damage index of impact number was more sensitive to the overall damage,while the damage index of the energy was more sensitive to the local damage.Through the analysis of RA-AF values,it could be seen that the proportion of shear cracks increases with the loading time,which is mainly due to the presence of large aggregate and boundary effect.But the proportion of tensile cracks always dominates.By comparing the shear crack proportion curves of the three groups of specimens,it could be found that the larger the amplitude with the initial cycle,the larger the proportion of shear cracks during failure. It can be concluded that the dynamic damage process of full-graded concrete specimens could be well characterized by analyzing acoustic emission parameters such as ringing number,energy and amplitude.It is showed that the greater the increase of initial cyclic load,the more serious the stiffness attenuation of dam concrete and the more obvious brittleness characteristics.Besides,in the middle and late loading period,the fracture characteristics of the sample were mainly affected by the distribution of large aggregates,but not by the initial cyclic damage.In addition,the effect of different initial cyclic damage on the fracture behavior of full-graded concrete was obtained,which could provide practical value for predicting the fracture failure of concrete dam.


河海大学土木与交通学院,南京 210024南京水利科学研究院材料结构研究所,南京 210029中国水利水电科学研究院,北京 100048



full-graded concretethree-point bending fracturecyclic damageacoustic emissiondamage characterization

《南水北调与水利科技(中英文)》 2024 (002)


359-367 / 9


