

Effects of Film Mulching Methods on Substrate Moisture and Thermal Effects and Plant Growth of Potted Tree Peony


探索不同覆膜方式对盆栽牡丹基质水热效应与植株生长的影响,以期寻找轻简高效的盆栽牡丹管理方式,对盆栽花卉工程苗的推广应用具有重要意义.覆膜是应对农业生产中降水少、热量不足的重要农艺措施,有助于改善根际微生态环境,提高农作物产量和品质.本试验以盆栽不覆膜为对照(T0),设置 5 种覆膜方式:盆口上覆白膜(T1)、盆口上覆黑膜(T2)、盆口上覆白膜加盆底下覆黑膜(T3)、塑料盆上下均覆黑膜(T4)和塑料盆上下均覆白膜(T5),研究不同覆膜方式下盆栽牡丹基质的水热环境变化及其对植株发育和光合性能的影响.结果表明,与T0 相比,冬春季T1 和T5 处理基质日最高温度均提高5.0℃以上,春季T1 和T5 16 天每盆分别累积节水 1.065 kg和 1.195 kg,说明覆膜方式显著影响盆栽牡丹基质的水热效应,改善盆栽牡丹基质的微生态环境.春夏季盆口覆白膜加快植株叶色由红转绿,增强植株的光合性能与生理代谢,有利于秋季落叶期各部分生物量的积累.各覆膜方式下牡丹秋季壮苗指数表现为:T1>T5>T3>T2>T4>T0,说明上覆白膜对植株生长发育最有利.相关分析表明,根系发育状况与植株壮苗指数呈显著或极显著正相关.进一步通径分析表明,提高植株生物量及叶片光合性能是实现壮苗的基础.基于盆栽牡丹植株生长状况进行聚类分析,将 6 个处理组合聚为三类,其中T1 和T5 聚为一类,为优势处理.鉴于仅盆口覆白膜不仅苗体长势最优,而且劳动生产成本低,符合轻简高效栽培原则,建议盆栽牡丹生产上优先选择盆口上覆白膜的管理方式.

Exploring the effects of different film mulching methods on substrate moisture and thermal effects and plant growth of potted tree peony and selecting simple and high-efficiency management method have important significance to popularizing engineering seedlings of pot flower.Film mulching is an important solu-tion for agricultural production with less precipitation and heat shortage,which is helpful to improving the rhi-zosphere micro-ecological environment and crop yield and quality.With no film mulching as control(T0),five film mulching patterns for potted tree peony were set as mulching with white film above the plastic pot(T1),mulching with black film above the plastic pot(T2),mulching with white film above the plastic pot and black film below(T3),mulching with black film both above and below the plastic pot(T4),and mulching with white film both above and below the plastic pot(T5).The moisture and thermal environment change of pot substrate for potted tree peony under different film mulching methods,and their impacts on plant development and photosyn thetic performance were analyzed.The results showed that the daily maximum temperature of the substrate increased by over 5.0℃in winter and spring periods under T1 and T5 treatments compared with T0,and T1 and T5 treatments could save water by 1.065 kg and 1.195 kg per pot in 16 days in spring,respective-ly.The above results indicated that film mulching method could significantly affect moisture and thermal effects and improve the micro-ecological environment of pot substrate.White film mulching above the plastic pot in spring and summer accelerated the leaf color from red to green,and enhanced plant photosynthetic perform-ance and metabolism,so as to facilitate the biomass accumulation of every part of the plants during defoliation period in autumn.The seedling index in autumn under different film mulching methods showed as T1>T5>T3>T2>T4>T0,indicating that mulching with white film was the best for growth and development of potted tree peony.Correlation analysis results showed that there were significantly or extremely significantly positive corre-lations between root development and seedling index.Path analysis results showed that the increase of plant bi-omass and leaf photosynthetic performance was the foundation to obtain strong seedlings of potted tree peony.The cluster analysis results based on growth status of potted tree peony showed that the six treatments could be divided into three categories,among which,T1 and T5 were clustered in one category,and they were the dominant treatments.In summary,only mulching with white film above the plastic pot was recommended for potted tree peony production with the best growth potential,low cost,and in line with the principle of simple and high efficiency cultivation.


河南科技大学牡丹学院/河南省牡丹综合利用工程技术研究中心,河南 洛阳 471023洛阳市牡丹产业发展中心/洛阳国家牡丹园,河南 洛阳 471000



Film mulching methodTree peonyPlanting substrateTemperatureMoistureSeedling indexEngineering seedlings

《山东农业科学》 2024 (004)

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