首页|期刊导航|山东农业科学|外源6-BA对小苍兰'Red Lion'生长及花期调控的影响

外源6-BA对小苍兰'Red Lion'生长及花期调控的影响OA北大核心CSTPCD

Effect of Exogenous 6-BA on Growth and Florescence Regulation of Freesia'Red Lion'


本试验以小苍兰品种'Red Lion'为材料,研究喷施不同浓度 6-BA(25、50、100 mg/L和 200 mg/L)对小苍兰生长、生理生化特性及花期的影响,以期为小苍兰花期调控和切花栽培提供技术支持.结果表明:喷施适当浓度的 6-BA有利于延长小苍兰'Red Lion'花期;6-BA浓度为 200 mg/L时显著提高小苍兰的花朵直径、花葶长度、小花数、株高、叶片数,较对照花期延长 11 d、花朵直径增加 50.45%、小花数增加 114.89%,同时叶片的丙二醛含量较 CK 降低 34.65%,叶片抗氧化酶(POD、CAT)活性升高,分别比 CK 提高 97.26%和393.24%.综之,喷施适当浓度的 6-BA能够显著提高小苍兰'Red Lion'花朵质量及数量,延长小苍兰花期,其中 200 mg/L 6-BA处理效果最佳.

This experiment was conducted to study the effects of spraying different concentrations of 6-BA(25,50,100 and 200 mg/L)on growth,physiological and biochemical characteristics and flowering period of freesia with the variety'Red Lion'as material.It was expected to provide technical supports for freesia's flowering period control and cut flower cultivation.The results showed that spraying appropriate concentrations of 6-BA was beneficial to prolonging the flowering period of freesia'Red Lion',and the concentration of 6-BA at 200 mg/L significantly increased the flower diameter,scape length,number of florets,plant height and number of leaves.Compared with the control,the flowering period was prolonged by 11 days,the flower diam-eter and the number of florets increased by 50.60%and 114.81%respectively,and the soluble protein content and the POD and CAT activities of leaves increased by 5.00%,97.26%and 393.24%,respectively.In con-clusion,spraying appropriate concentrations of 6-BA could significantly improve the flower quality and quantity of freesia'Red Lion'and prolong the flowering period,and 200 mg/L 6-BA treatment had the best effect.


聊城大学农学与农业工程学院,山东 聊城 252000


小苍兰'Red Lion'6-BA花期调控生理生化指标

Freesia hybrida'Red Lion'6-BAFlorescence regulationPhysiological and biochemical indicators

《山东农业科学》 2024 (004)

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