

Effects of Chemical Fertilizer Reduction Combined with Sheep Manure Organic Fertilizer on Growth,Yield,Quality and Soil Nutrients of Flue-Cured Tobacco


为探究羊粪有机肥与传统无机肥配施在烤烟生产中的效应,并为洛阳烟区合理利用羊粪有机肥提供理论依据,本研究以中烟 101 为材料,采用田间小区等氮量施肥(各处理施氮量均为 60 kg/hm2)对比试验,设置单施 100%化肥N(T0)、25%羊粪有机肥N+75%化肥N(T25)、50%羊粪有机肥N+50%化肥N(T50)、75%羊粪有机肥N+25%化肥N(T75)4 个处理,研究化肥减量配施不同比例羊粪有机肥对烤烟农艺性状、光合特性、经济性状、烟叶品质及土壤养分的影响.结果表明:化肥减量配施羊粪有机肥处理较T0 能够改善烤烟农艺性状和叶片光合特性,有利于烟田土壤养分的均衡供应和肥力水平的提高.与T0 相比,配施羊粪有机肥处理烤烟圆顶期的株高、茎围、最大叶面积、有效叶片数、SPAD值、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度及土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量分别提高 5.49%~8.63%、2.78%~7.46%、0.71%~19.67%、4.82%~9.64%、15.41%~20.42%、21.78%~24.11%、17.05%~24.03%、33.33%~50.00%、13.02%~30.63%、30.08%~68.57%、31.54%~45.51%和 14.67%~20.73%,其中以T50 处理效果最优.化肥减量配施羊粪有机肥处理也能够提升烤后烟叶的经济性状、感官评吸质量及化学成分的协调性.与T0 相比,T50 的上等烟比例、均价、产值和B2F等级烟叶感官质量总分值分别提高 9.10%、5.36%、7.20%和 4.77%,提升效果最佳,烤后烟叶的化学成分更为协调.综合来看,等氮量施肥条件下,羊粪有机肥N替代 50%化肥N更有利于促进洛阳烟区烟株的生长发育、提升烤后烟叶产量和品质,以及维持烟田土壤肥力,保障洛阳烟区烟叶的可持续发展.

In order to explore the effects of sheep manure organic fertilizer combined with traditional in-organic fertilizer in flue-cured tobacco production,and to provide theoretical basis for rational utilization of sheep manure organic fertilizer in tobacco-growing area of Luoyang,we used Zhongyan101 as material and conducted a plot experiment with equal nitrogen fertilizer amount(60 kg/hm2)in field.Four treatments were set as 100%inorganic fertilizer N(T0),25%sheep manure organic fertilizer N+75%inorganic fertilizer N(T25),50%sheep manure organic fertilizer N+50%inorganic fertilizer N(T50),and 75%sheep manure organic fertilizer N+25%inorganic fertilizer N(T75).The influences of chemical fertilizer reduction combined with sheep manure organic fertilizer on agronomic characters,leaf photosynthetic characteristics,economic traits,quality indexes and soil nutrients of flue-cured tobacco were investigated.The results showed that all the treatments of chemical fertilizer reduction combined with sheep manure organic fertilizer improved the agronom-ic characters and leaf photosynthetic characteristics of tobacco,and facilitated the balanced supply of soil nu-trients and the improvement of soil fertility level.Compared with T0 treatment,the treatments with sheep ma-nure organic fertilizer increased plant height,stem circumference,maximum leaf area,effective leaf number,SPAD value,net photosynthetic rate(Pn),transpiration rate(Tr),stomatal conductance(Gs),and con-tents of soil organic matter,alkaline nitrogen,available phosphorus and available potassium of tobacco at dome stage by 5.49%~8.63%,2.78%~7.46%,0.71%~19.67%,4.82%~9.64%,15.41%~20.42%,21.78%~24.11%,17.05%~24.03%,33.33%~50.00%,13.02%~30.63%,30.08%~68.57%,31.54%~45.51%and 14.67%~20.73%,respectively,and the effects of T50 treatment was the best.The reduction of chemical fertilizer combined with the application of sheep manure also improved the economic properties,the sensory e-valuation quality and the coordination of tobacco chemical compositions.Compared with T0,T50 treatment was the best and increased the proportion of superior tobacco,average price,output value and total sensory quality score of the B2F tobacco leaves by 9.10%,5.36%,7.20%and 4.77%,respectively,and the chemical com-positions of cured tobacco were more coordinate.In summary,under the condition of equal amount of nitrogen,sheep manure organic fertilizer N instead of 50%inorganic fertilizer N was more conducive to growth promo-ting,yield and quality improving,and soil fertility maintaining of tobacco,ensuring the sustainable develop-ment of Luoyang tobacco-growing area.


河南科技大学农学院,河南 洛阳 471023河南省烟草公司洛阳市公司技术中心,河南 洛阳 471023河南中烟工业有限责任公司,河南 郑州 450000



Flue-cured tobaccoChemical fertilizer reductionSheep manure organic fertilizerEconom-ic parametersQualitySoil nutrients

《山东农业科学》 2024 (004)


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