

Design and experiment of a sub-nanosecond repetition rate pulse signal generator


亚纳秒前沿、数百伏幅度、近似高斯单周波的重频窄脉冲信号源在超宽带探测、电磁兼容测试等领域有着十分广泛的应用.设计了一种全固态Marx电路结构型重频脉冲信号源,选用云母电容、雪崩三极管、贴片电阻、电感等元器件,根据信号输出要求优化印制电路板(PCB)布局及微带线结构,调整匹配电路元件参数,在 50Ω电阻负载上获得了脉冲峰值约 1 kV、脉宽约 650 ps、前沿约 450 ps、后沿约 700 ps的单极性负脉冲信号,脉冲波形前后沿相似且光滑陡峭,实现了10 kHz重频输出,波形峰值抖动和半高宽抖动均小于 10%.

The repetitive narrow pulse signal generator with a sub-nanosecond front,high-voltage amplitude,and approximately Gaussian single-cycle waveform is extensively applied in areas such as ultra-wideband detection and electromagnetic compatibility testing.This paper introduces the design of an all-solid-state repetitive pulse generator utilizing a Marx circuit architecture,which incorporates components like mica capacitors,avalanche transistors,surface-mount technology resistors,and inductors.To meet the signal output specifications,the printed circuit board layout and microstrip lines have been optimized.Through fine-tuning the matching circuit element parameters,the generator successfully delivers a unipolar negative pulse signal with a peak value of approximately 1 kV,a pulse width of around 650 ps,a leading edge of approximately 450 ps,and a trailing edge of about 700 ps across a 50 Ω resistive load.The resulting pulse waveform exhibits similar,smooth,and steep leading and trailing edges,achieving a repetition rate of 10 kHz.Both the peak value and full width at half maximum jitters are maintained at less than 10%.


中国工程物理研究院流体物理研究所,四川绵阳 621900



Gaussian pulseavalanche transistormarx circuitpulse sourcehigh repetition rate

《强激光与粒子束》 2024 (005)

50-55 / 6

