

Exploration on Compilation of the Shanghai Regulatory Detailed Planning with Implementation Orientation:A Case Study of the Open Area Hub Area,Lin'gang New Area



Focusing on the compilation and implementation of the Shanghai Master Plan(2017-2035),the Shanghai territorial development planning system forms three levels from the master,the unit to the detailed level,among which the unit planning assumes the responsibility of system control,and the detailed control planning defines its transformation objectives of strengthening implementation orientation and improving quality and efficiency.At the same time,in the context of implementing high-quality development and optimizing the business environment,the Shanghai regulatory detailed planning should meet the diversified participants and refined management requirements,so that to balance the system transmission,bottom line constraints and flexible adaptation,and to transmit and extend the content of planning,management and implementation downward have become important issues for implementation-oriented reform.Based on the relevant explorations of Beijing and Shenzhen,and combined with the practice of regulatory detailed planning in the Open Area Hub of Lin'gang New Area,this article summarizes the implementation-oriented needs and related explorations in the process,and proposes that the Shanghai regulatory detailed planning should be adapted to the characteristics of its own territorial development planning system,be more implementation-oriented,and systematically incorporate the implementation content on the basis of its own experience accumulation,to play the role of a platform,pay attention to the implementation of overall planning,strengthen flexible adaptation,and further expand the application scenarios.


上海市上规院城市规划设计有限公司上海市城市规划设计研究院 城市更新和公共空间促进中心



Shanghaiimplementation-orientedregulatory detailed planningthe Open Area Hub

《上海城市规划》 2024 (001)

47-52 / 6

