

Breakdown characteristics of pre-ionization trigger gap in different gases under bipolarity pulse


针对自触发预电离开关在不同电压等级下应用不同气体介质的需要,以及在双边驱动电磁脉冲模拟器中加载正负极性脉冲的需求,研究了预电离间隙在N2、N2/SF6 混合气和SF6 中正负极性下的击穿特性.研究了不同介质中间隙的击穿电压和时延随气压的变化规律,对比了正负极性下的间隙击穿特性.研究结果表明,在本文实验条件下,预电离间隙在N2 中的击穿过程相对更为稳定,且N2 中击穿电压随气压变化线性度最佳.相比N2 和混合气,间隙击穿电压仅在SF6 中随气压增大呈现饱和趋势.在一定气压范围内,N2 在负极性下的击穿电压略高于正极性,混合气和SF6 中负极性下的击穿电压明显高于正极性,间隙的击穿过程具有一定的极性效应.相比混合气和N2,间隙在SF6 中的正负极性击穿电压绝对差值和击穿时延绝对差值都相对较高,为减小双边自触发预电离开关的同步时延差,应首选N2 为预电离间隙的绝缘介质.在工程应用中需考虑极性效应和不同气体介质对预电离间隙击穿特性的影响.

The breakdown characteristics of trigger gap for the pre-ionization switch in N2,the mixture of N2 and SF6 and SF6 atmosphere under positive and negative pulse were investigated for the higher voltage grade and bipolarity application.The relationships between the breakdown voltage and delay time of the pre-ionization gap and the pressure of different kinds of gases were obtained,and the breakdown characteristics were compared for the pre-ionization gap under positive and negative polarities.The results of the experiment demonstrated that the breakdown process of the gap in N2 was more stable,and the linearity of breakdown voltage varying with pressure in N2 was the best among the three kinds of gases.The breakdown voltage was saturated only in SF6 with the increase of gas pressure.The breakdown voltage of the gap under negative polarity was higher than that under the positive at some certain values of the pressure,and this phenomenon might suggest that there was a polarity effect upon the breakdown process of pre-ionization gap.Compared with the mixture and N2,the absolute differences between negative and positive polarity for both breakdown voltage and delay time in SF6 were relatively higher.N2 should be preferred as the insulating medium for the pre-ionization gap to reduce the synchronization delay difference of the bipolar self-triggered switches.The polarity effect of the pre-ionization gap and the distinctions among the different kinds of insulated gas medium should be paid more attention in engineering applications for the pre-ionization gap.


强脉冲辐射环境模拟与效应全国重点实验室,西北核技术研究所,西安 710024



pre-ionization gapbreakdown characteristicspolarity effectinsulated gas mediummixture of gas

《强激光与粒子束》 2024 (005)

92-98 / 7


