首页|期刊导航|山东农业科学|刺叶高山栎(Quercus spinosa)内生真菌筛选鉴定及促生作用测定

刺叶高山栎(Quercus spinosa)内生真菌筛选鉴定及促生作用测定OA北大核心CSTPCD

Screening and Identification of Endophytic Fungi from Quercus spinosa and Determination of Their Growth-Promoting Functions


刺叶高山栎(Quercus spinosa)是壳斗科(Fagaceae)栎属(Quercus)高山栎组常绿乔木或灌木,对极端生态环境有较强的适应能力.为了解刺叶高山栎内生真菌的促生功能作用,本研究从云南省昆明市采集刺叶高山栎的根、茎、叶等器官组织样品,采用组织分离法分离获得可培养内生真菌,继而对获得的内生真菌进行固氮、溶磷、解钾以及产吲哚乙酸(IAA)能力等促生特性测定,筛选具有多种促生特性的菌株,并对其进行分子生物学鉴定及形态学鉴定,测定其对多年生黑麦草种子萌发及盆栽幼苗生长的促生效果.结果显示,在刺叶高山栎根、茎、叶等器官组织中共分离得到 74 株内生真菌,挑选其中 11 株进行促生特性测定得出,10 株具有产IAA能力,8 株具有固氮能力,1 株(JG2)同时具备溶磷、解钾以及产IAA的能力,2 株(J06 和JJ15)具有固氮及良好的产 IAA能力.对 JG2、J06 及 JJ15 进行分子生物学及形态学鉴定得出,JG2 为 Talaromyces erythromellis,J06 为淡色生赤壳菌(Bionectria ochroleuca),JJ15 为光炭轮菌(Daldinia eschscholtzii).在种子萌发与盆栽试验中,JG2 菌株对多年生黑麦草幼苗均有显著的促生作用,表明JG2 菌株具有促生潜力.

Quercus spinosa is an evergreen tree or shrub of Quercus alpine group in Fagaceae,which has strong adaptability to the extreme ecological environment.To explore the growth-promoting function of endo-phytic fungi,the samples of roots,stems and leaves of Quercus spinosa were collected from Kunming City,Yunnan Province,and culturable endophytic fungi were isolated by tissue separation method.The obtained en-dophytic fungi were tested for their growth-promoting characteristics such as nitrogen fixation,phosphorus dis-solution,potassium dissolution and indole-acetic acid(IAA)production in order to select the strains with di-verse growth-promoting characteristics,and then the molecular biological and morphological identification were conducted,and their growth-promoting effects on seed germination and potted seedling growth of Lolium pe-renne were determined.The results showed that 74 strains of endophytic fungi were isolated from the roots,stems and leaves,and 11 of them were selected for testing growth-promoting characteristics.The results showed that 10 strains had IAA-producing ability,8 strains had nitrogen-fixing ability,one strain(JG2)possessed phosphorus-dissolving,potassium-dissolving and IAA-producing abilities,and 2 strains(J06 and JJ15)had nitrogen-fixing and good IAA-producing abilities.Through the molecular biological and morphological identifi-cation,JG2 was identified as Talaromyces erythromellis,while J06 as Bionectria ochroleuca,and JJ15 as Daldi-nia eschscholtzii.In the seed germination and pot experiments,the strain JG2 had significant growth-promoting effects on Lolium perenne seedlings,which showed that it had the potential to promote growth.


西南林业大学园林园艺学院,云南 昆明 650224||西南林业大学云南省森林灾害预警与控制重点实验室,云南 昆明 650233西南林业大学园林园艺学院,云南 昆明 650224云南生物多样性研究院,云南 昆明 650233西南林业大学材料与化学工程学院,云南 昆明 650233



Quercus spinoseEndophytic fungiMolecular biological identificationMorphological identi-ficationGrowth-promoting characteristics

《山东农业科学》 2024 (004)


133-144 / 12


