

Effect of Phytate-mediated Arsenic and Phosphorus Transformation and Bioavailability in Soils and Sediments:A Review


砷(As)和磷(P)为同主族化学类似物,具有相似的化学性质和化学行为.As因赋存形态多变、极强的生物蓄积性及高毒性而被广泛关注,在土壤中主要以砷酸盐(As5+)形式存在.磷是植物必需营养元素,亦是引起土壤面源污染和水体富营养化的重要因子.土壤中磷主要以有机磷形式存在,占比 40%~95%.其中植酸是重要组成部分,占总磷的 20%~50%,占有机磷的 50%~80%.植酸分子含有 6 个磷酸基团和 12 个可解离质子,因此可通过螯合、置换、酸化等作用强烈影响土壤中砷和磷的赋存形态和生物有效性.明确土壤中植酸对砷和磷赋存形态转化与释放的影响、过程与作用机制,对有效阻控土壤和水体砷、磷污染具有重要意义.该研究总结了土壤中砷、磷和植酸的含量、来源与赋存形态,重点阐述植酸对砷、磷赋存形态转化、生物有效性变化的影响与机制,可为降低土壤和沉积物砷、磷污染提供参考.

Phosphorus(P)and Arsenic(As)are chemical analogues of the same main group,with similar chemical properties and behaviors.Arsenic has attracted widespread attention due to its diverse forms of occurrence,strong bioaccu-mulation and high toxicity.It mainly exists in the form of arsenate(As5+)in soil.Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for plants and an important factor causing soil non-point source pollution and water eutrophication.Phosphorus in soil mainly exists in the form of organic phosphorus,accounting for 40%-95%of the total,with phytic acid being an important com-ponent,accounting for 20%-50%of total phosphorus and 50%-80%of organic phosphorus.Phytic acid molecule contains 6 phosphate groups and 12 dissociative protons,which can strongly affect the occurrence forms and bioavailability of arse-nic and phosphorus in soil through chelation,displacement,acidification and other effects.Clarifying the impact,process,and mechanism of phytic acid on the transformation and release of arsenic and phosphorus forms in soil is of great signifi-cance for effectively controlling arsenic/phosphorus pollution in soil and water bodies.Therefore,this paper reviews the contents,sources and forms of As,P and phytate in soils and sediments,with more emphasis on the effects and mecha-nisms of phytate on As and P transformation and bioavailability changes.In addition,further researches are proposed.The information helps to provide reference for reducing arsenic and phosphorus pollution in soil and sediment.


西南林业大学生态与环境学院,云南 昆明 650224||西南林业大学环境修复与健康研究院,云南 昆明 650224西南林业大学生态与环境学院,云南 昆明 650224



soilphytic acidarsenicphosphorusspeciation transformationbioavailability

《生态与农村环境学报》 2024 (004)


449-460 / 12


