

Changes in the Water Quality and Its Responses to Temperature and Water Level in Xukou Bay of Lake Taihu during 2016-2022


明确太湖胥口湾水质特征及对环境变化的响应有利于维系区域水资源安全.研究追踪 2016-2022 年胥口湾水质变化趋势,分析了水质指标对水温和水位的响应.结果显示,胥口湾水质环境总体稳定,且总氮(TN)、氨氮(NH3-N)、总磷(TP)浓度和CODMn均呈下降趋势.但胥口湾水温年均值呈现快速上升趋势,上升幅度大于 0.086℃·a-1,对该区域生态稳定性形成威胁.冗余分析显示,虽然水温和水位对胥口湾水质环境波动的贡献率低于5%,但水温变化显著影响了水质环境(P<0.01),而水位波动不能有效解释水质变化过程.尽管如此,TN、NH3-N浓度及CODMn、pH值对高水温(>30℃)较为敏感,而高水位(>3.8 m)显著影响了NH3-N、TN、TP 和叶绿素a浓度.总体而言,胥口湾水环境总体稳定趋好,但受水位尤其是水温影响较大.研究结果可为极端天气下水质管理提供借鉴.

Clarifying water quality tendency and its responses to extreme weather in Xukou Bay of Lake Taihu is critical to water management.Here,the water quality tendency of Xukou Bay from 2016 to 2022 was reported,and its responses to water temperature(WT)and water level(WL)were tested as well.The results show that the water quality of Xukou Bay was relatively stable.Moreover,the total nitrogen(TN),ammonia nitrogen(NH3-N),total phosphorus(TP),and CODMn concentrations decreased gradually.However,the annual average WT increased rapidly,with an average rate of 0.086℃·a-1,presumably threatening the ecological stability in this basin.Redundancy analysis(RDA)confirmed that although WT and WL contributed to less than 5%of total variation of the water quality,the effects caused by WT were sig-nificant(P<0.01).In contrast,WL was failed to explain the changes of water quality.Nevertheless,TN,NH3-N,CODMn,and pH were sensitive to high WT(>30℃),and high WL(>3.8 m)significantly and affected the concentra-tions of NH3-N,TN,TP,and chlorophyll-a.In summary,the ecological environment of Xukou Bay was stable,but high WT and high WL are the main factors interfered the stability.This study provides significant references for water quality management under extreme weather conditions.


河海大学环境学院,江苏 南京 210098河海大学土木与交通学院,江苏 南京 210098



Lake TaihuXukou Bayextreme weatherhigh water temperaturehigh water level

《生态与农村环境学报》 2024 (004)

469-477 / 9


