

Characterization of Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Forest Loss in Counties in Fujian Province and Analysis of Its Influencing Factors


森林是陆地生物圈重要的生态资源,厘清区域长期森林损失状况及其影响因素,对森林资源保护和社会经济协调发展具有重要意义.基于全球森林变化(Global Forest Change)数据集,利用ArcGIS 10.8 空间分析技术,对2001-2019 年福建省 58 个县域森林损失的时空演变特征进行分析,并结合时空地理加权回归模型,探究县域森林损失的主要影响因素及其时空分异特征.结果表明:(1)2001-2019 年福建省县域森林损失率呈波动上升的基本态势,森林损失面积累计达 112.89 万hm2,森林损失情况可划分为显著上升阶段、先降后升阶段和显著下降阶段.(2)整体上,福建省县域森林损失具有较强的空间正相关性和空间集聚性特征,相邻区域森林损失率的空间相关性显著,而其空间集聚效应呈现西北低、东南高的基本态势.(3)城镇化率、人均GDP、公路通车里程、人口密度和木材产量对福建省县域森林损失均具有一定的影响,但存在明显的时空异质性特征.该研究有效揭示了福建省县域森林损失时空动态特征及其影响因素,可为森林资源可持续经营提供理论依据.

Forests are important ecological resources in the terrestrial biosphere,and clarifying the long-term forest loss status and its influencing factors is of great significance to the protection of forest resources and the coordinated develop-ment of social economy.Based on the Global Forest Change dataset,this paper used ArcGIS spatial analysis technology to analyze the spatial and temporal evolution characteristics of forest loss in the 58 counties in Fujian Province from 2001 to 2019,and used the Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model to explore the main influencing factors of forest loss in the counties,and the spatial and temporal differentiation characteristics.The results show that:(1)During 2001-2019,the rate of forest loss in the counties of Fujian Province showed a basic trend of fluctuating increase,and the cumulative area of forest loss amounted to 1 128 900 hm2,and the forest loss situation could be divided into three stages:the stage of significant increase,the stage of decline followed by an increase,and the stage of significant decrease.(2)On the whole,forest loss in counties in Fujian Province had strong positive correlation and spatial clustering characteristics.The spatial correlation of forest loss rate among neighboring regions was significant,and the spatial clustering effect showed a basic trend of low in the northwest and high in the southeast.(3)The urbanization rate,per capita GDP,road mileage,population density and timber production all had certain influences on forest loss in the counties in Fujian Province,but there was obvious spatial and temporal heterogeneity.This study effectively reveals the spatio-temporal dynamic characteris-tics and influencing factors of forest loss in the counties of Fujian Province,which can provide a theoretical basis for the sustainable management of forest resources.


福建农林大学数字经济学院,福建 泉州 362400福建农林大学经济与管理学院,福建 福州 350002



forest lossspatial and temporal evolutioninfluencing factorsGeographically and Temporally Weighted Re-gression ModelFujian Province

《生态与农村环境学报》 2024 (004)

499-512 / 14


