

Assessment of Water Transfer Effects on Algal Growth Based on Algal Growth Potential


为评估水体生态健康,量化和确定供水输入的浮游藻类群落对受水水体浮游藻类生长的影响程度具有重要意义.该研究在不同季节的调水期测定了供、受水水体的理化因子,同时利用藻类生长潜力试验比较和分析了不同比例的供、受水水体混合处理后浮游藻类细胞密度和群落结构变化.结果显示,调水期间受水水库的氮磷营养盐浓度没有显著变化(P>0.05).不同季节的藻类生长潜力试验显示,夏、冬季处理组的浮游藻类细胞密度峰值时间比对照组提前了4d,且密度峰值随着混合比例的提高而增大;但夏季培养末期(20 d)处理组的浮游藻类密度均低于对照组,同时夏、秋和冬季处理组的实际藻类密度峰值均低于理论估算值,分别低 10%、17%~24%和 31%.处理组的群落结构变化表现为夏季受水水库的绝对优势种转变为输入的优势种,秋、冬季绝对优势种的相对丰度随调水比例的提高而增加,明显受到供水优势种生长的影响.供、受水水体的营养盐浓度差异是影响藻类生长的主要因素,持续调水显著影响受水水体浮游藻类的群落结构,但在一定程度上降低了发生藻类水华的风险.

Currently,the water supply source is complex,and the trend of water quality changes in the receiving reservoir is unclear.To evaluate the ecological health of the water body,it is important to quantify and determine the impact of the phytoplankton community in the water supply on the growth of phytoplankton in the receiving water.In this study,the physic-chemical factors of the water in the supply and receiving reservoirs were measured during different seasons of water transfer period.The changes in cell density and community structure of phytoplankton in the mixed water treatment of dif-ferent ratios of the supply and receiving water were compared and analyzed by using the algae growth potential test.The re-sults show that the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in the receiving reservoir did not change significantly during the water transfer period(P>0.05).The algae growth potential tests conducted in different seasons showed that the peak time of phytoplankton cell density in the treatment groups of summer and winter was 4 days earlier than that in the control group,and the peak density increased with the increase of the mixing ratio.However,the density of phytoplankton in the treatment group in the end of the summer cultivation period(20 days)was lower than that in the con-trol group.Additionally,the actual peak density of phytoplankton in the treatment groups in summer,autumn and winter was 10%,17%-24%,and 31%lower than the theoretically estimated value,respectively.The changes in community structure in the treatment group show that the absolute dominant species in the receiving reservoir during summer was re-placed by the dominant species in the input water,and the relative abundance of the dominant species in autumn and win-ter increased with the increase of the water mixing ratio,indicating that they were significantly affected by the growth of the dominant species in the supply water.Overall,the difference in nutrient concentrations between the supply and receiving water bodies is the main factor affecting the growth of phytoplankton.Continuous water transfer significantly affects the community structure of phytoplankton in the receiving water body but also reduces the risk of algal blooms to some extent.


中南民族大学生命科学学院,湖北 武汉 430074山东省调水工程运行维护中心,山东 济南 250199



water transferphysic-chemical factorsphytoplanktoncommunity structurealgal growth potential test

《生态与农村环境学报》 2024 (004)

513-520 / 8


