

The Spillover Effect of High-Speed Railway Network Accessibility in the Twin-City Economic Circle of the Chengdu-Chongqing Region


成渝地区双城经济圈高铁网络增强了城市间通达性,对社会经济发展产生溢出效应.文章从高铁网络通达性切入,采用最短出行时间、加权平均出行时间、日常通达性指数、引力模型和空间杜宾模型分析高铁网络通达格局演化与其产生的溢出效应.研究表明:1)高铁网络提高城市通达性水平,缩小城市间通达水平差距,弱化圈层结构,推动区域一体化发展;2)高铁网络产生显著的时空收敛效应,核心与边缘城市的时空收敛效应表现为不同模式,边缘城市2 h等时圈面积变化更显著;3)高铁网络通达性提高使区域经济联系强化,非核心城市吸引力水平差距减小,但各要素趋向核心城市聚集,双核现象增强;4)邻地高铁网络通达性提高会促进本地第三产业经济发展,产生溢出效应;邻地第三产业经济水平提高会抑制本地的发展,呈现虹吸效应,说明成渝地区发展处于虹吸阶段.

The Fourteenth Five-Year Plan of China has proposed the acceleration of the construction of a strong transport nation.The Outline for the Construction of a Powerful Transportation State emphasizes that it is necessary to focus on the general objective of the construction of a powerful transportation state and create a"123 traveling and transportation circle in the country"and reach the new standard of 1-hour commuting metropolitan area,2-hour connecting urban agglomeration,and 3-hour coverage of the major cities in the country,which determines the importance of the accessibility of urban agglomeration in the strategy.The high-speed railway network in the twin-city economic circle of the Chengdu-Chongqing region enhances inter-city accessibility and has a spillover effect on socioeconomic development.Starting with HSR network accessibility,in this study,the evolution of the accessibility pattern after the opening of the HSR in 2015,2020,and 2025 was analyzed using the shortest inter-city travel time,weighted average travel time,and daily accessibility index.Based on the gravity model used to measure the economic reinforcement effect generated by HSR network accessibility,the spatial Durbin model was used to explore the spillover effect of HSR network accessibility on the tertiary industry's economic development from 2015 to 2020.The study results demonstrate that the HSR network improves the level of urban accessibility,narrows the gap of accessibility level between cities,weakens the regional accessibility circle structure,and exhibits significant corridor effect.The HSR network generates a significant spatiotemporal convergence effect.The direction of spatiotemporal convergence of core cities is to expand uniformly to their surroundings,and the direction of expansion of edge cities is mainly to spread along newly opened HSR lines in the form of a belt.The improved accessibility of the HSR network will strengthen regional economic ties,narrow the gap between the attractiveness levels of non-core cities,and enhance the twin-core phenomenon.Increased accessibility is conducive to the economic development of the tertiary industry in neighboring cities,with an increase of 1 percentage point in the accessibility of the high-speed rail network in the neighboring region,leading to an increase of 0.3088 in the local tertiary industry.An increase in the tertiary economic level of neighboring cities will inhibit the development of the local tertiary economy,which may be because the Chengdu-Chongqing region is now more competitive than cooperatives in terms of urban relations;therefore,regional development is still in the siphoning stage.The possible contribution of this study is reflected in the use of accessibility as the core research and explanatory variable to explore the economic spillover effects of accessibility of high-speed rail networks in typical case regions.It aims to reveal the impact of high-speed rail network accessibility on the economy and industry,summarize the theory of spillover effect,and provide a theoretical reference for high-speed rail construction,regional planning,and economic layout optimization.


重庆师范大学 地理与旅游学院,重庆 401331重庆师范大学 地理与旅游学院,重庆 401331||重庆师范大学 地理信息系统应用研究重庆市高校重点实验室,重庆 401331||重庆师范大学 三峡库区地表过程与环境遥感重庆市重点实验室,重庆 401331



high-speed railway networkaccessibilityspillover effectsSpatial Durbin ModelChengdu-Chongqing RegionTwin-city Economic Circle

《热带地理》 2024 (005)

804-819 / 16


