

Identification of Spatial Association Network Characteristics and Influencing Factors of the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration Based on Online Car-Hailing Data



Urban agglomerations are the main spatial carriers of national and regional urbanization development.The study of their spatial association networks is of great significance for optimizing the allocation of urban resources,promoting the process of regional integration,and facilitating the high-quality development of urban agglomerations.The Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration(YRDUA)is one of the most economically active regions in China.Its spatial association network structure was the main feature of economic and social development in China's"14th Five-Year Plan."Based on the perspective of flow spaces in terms of both the city and township scales,multi-source data were used in this study and included online car-hailing origin-destination travel data,combined with complex network models and a quadratic assignment procedure,to analyze the structural characteristics and driving mechanism of the spatial association network of the YRDUA.Results show that:1)spatial association network based on online car-hailing flow in the YRDUA has spatial dependence and hierarchical characteristics,and intensities of network association are mostly coupled with levels of economic development;2)spatial association network in the YRDUA displays spatial spillover effects,leading to an overall pattern of high equilibrium in southern development and strong single-point development capacity in the north;3)the structural features of spatial association network in the YRDUA differ between townships and urban scales,with some high-level townships in certain transportation networks failing to exert their driving role at the urban level;and 4)economic development status,population vitality,the level of urban construction,and administrative division ownership and geographical location differences between townships have significant impacts on the spatial association network structure in terms of the township scale.The differences in administrative divisions are most important.Online car-hailing travel data were used in this study to effectively supplement the links between township streets within and between cities.This data also revealed intercity links.Thus,the development characteristics of spatial units on different scales were reflected,and research and social management needs were satisfied on a fine scale.In addition,by introducing spatial big data and analyzing the influence mechanism from various aspects,such as socioeconomics,the driving factors of the spatial network of urban agglomerations were systematically identified at the small-scale level,which will help with more reasonable planning within the city and play a role in the development of urban agglomerations by enhancing the attractiveness of individual cities.This study expands the research perspectives on the cooperative development of urban agglomerations on different scales,providing theoretical references and practical support for the promotion of the coordinated development of urban agglomerations as a whole.


浙江大学 建筑工程学院,杭州 310058广岛大学 先进理工学院,广岛 东广岛 7398529



flow spaceonline car-hailing travelmulti-scalesspatial association networkquadratic assignment procedureYangtze River Delta urban agglomeration

《热带地理》 2024 (005)

864-876 / 13


