

War Ethics Regulation to Solving the Dilemma of Network Attack Traceability



The traceability of cyber attacks aims to determine the subject of attacks in virtual cyberspace.The attackers can be punished,which is of great significance for the realization of security and peace in cy-berspace.However,in reality,the traceability of cyber attacks is difficult to finally target the attackers through technical means,and it is also difficult to attribute an attack responsibility to a government through legal channels.To solve the traceability problem,it is necessary to transform the research horizon,from the problem traceability to the attack behavior itself,distinguishing the national cyber attacks from various cyber attacks and carrying out ethical regulation.National cyber attack is essentially a new type of war by organizing violence and reflecting the state will.It is difficult to apply existing ethics to the new war because international cyberspace reflects essentially a lack of ethics.Thus,regulating national cyber attacks requires reshaping the war ethics and it might fundamentally crack traceability dilemma.We should abandon the re-alistic ethical concept of force first and establish the view of just war in cyberspace.We also should actively identify the national network behavior through the principle of declaration,and follow the principle of ap-propriateness to accept the review of justice.We should follow the principle of equality and balance on the Internet to promote an international environment of peace and justice.


国防科技大学,湖南长沙 410072


Cyber-attackthe Source TracingAttributionEthical regulation

《太平洋学报》 2024 (003)

49-61 / 13


