

Following Sanctions:Japan's Sanctions on Russia under Russia-Ukraine Conflicts


岸田政府出于提高日美欧合作水平、扩大价值观外交影响力、维护政权稳定性等方面考量,在俄乌冲突问题上积极追随美国,采取以对俄全方位制裁为重点、以 日美欧多方联动为依托、以多元化援助乌克兰为补充的对俄制裁政策.日本对俄制裁政策既对俄罗斯造成沉重打击,也对日本国家建设产生多重影响,使日美欧合作水平得到深化,影响了国际秩序的发展方向.但日本对俄制裁政策也存在能力与意愿不足、日俄经贸结构不对称等限制性条件,面临动力不足的挑战.从根本上看,日本对俄制裁政策的持续实则是为了摆脱战后体制束缚、打破日俄领土争端僵局、构建制衡中国的联盟体系.

This article argues that the Kishida government adopted a strategy focusing on comprehensive sanctions against Russia,multilateral interaction with the US and Europe,and supplemented by diversified assistance to Ukraine,following in the footsteps of the United States to enhance the level of cooperation with the United States and Europe,Japan's sanctions have dealt a heavy blow to Russia,especially affecting Russia's economy and finances,prompting Russia to implement a series of counter-sanctions measures.Japanese sanctions also have multiple impacts on Japan's national construction.On the one hand,Japan's energy security,price stability,and other related issues have been greatly affected;on the other hand,Ja-pan takes the opportunity to strengthen its security capabilities.Moreover,Japan's sanctions against Russia have pushed Japan-US security cooperation to a new level,and Japan-Europe cooperation has taken on new trends and characteristics,affecting the reform of the United Nations,Japan's"Indo-Pacific Strategy"and the direction of the international order.However,Japan's sanctions against Russia also suffer from constraints such as insufficient capacity and willingness,and asymmetry of the Japan-Russia economic and trade structure,which affects the durability and effectiveness of Japan's sanctions against Russia.Fun-damentally,the persistence of sanctions against Russia is a front for Japan to shake off the post-war shack-les,break the deadlock in the Japan-Russia territorial dispute,and strengthen its ability to balance China.In this regard,China should,based on the"Chinese Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukrainian Crisis",maintain its strategic stability,resolutely avoid the emergence of a"new cold war",make good preparations for risks,and make good preparations for the reconstruction of the region.


中共中央党校(国家行政学院),北京 100193



Russia-Ukraine ConflictSanctions policyJapan-Russia RelationsKishida Goverment

《太平洋学报》 2024 (003)

75-89 / 15


