

Characteristics Analysis and Its Enlightenment of Shale of Low Resistivity in Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in Southern Sichuan Basin


川南长宁和泸州地区五峰组—龙马溪组页岩气储层存在低电阻率异常现象,且不同区域低电阻率井产气差异较大,利用物性、地球化学、X衍射、薄片、含气量、生产测试及测井曲线等资料,研究了低电阻率不同类型的特征、成因因素及其对含气性的影响.结果表明,低电阻率井和正常电阻率井的界限为15Ω·m,次低电阻率井的电阻率主要在10~100 Ω·m;低电阻率井的曲线形态特征主要有"持续下降型"(Rt<5 Ω·m)和"先降低再回返增加型"(5~15 Ω·m)两种;低电阻率的成因因素主要包括有机质过成熟导致石墨化、高含水饱和度、高黄铁矿含量和高黏土矿物含量,对不同类型的电阻率降低起到不同程度的作用;"持续下降型"低电阻率井含气性普遍较差,而"先降低再回返增加型"含气性一般较好,向斜构造带底部且埋深较大的位置出现的低电阻率页岩通常为"持续下降型",含气性和测试产能往往都不高,是低电阻率页岩气风险探勘开发特别需要注意的一种类型.

There are low resistivity anomalies of shale gas reservoirs of Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in Changning and Luzhou areas in southern Sichuan Basin,and the gas production of low resistivity wells in different areas varies greatly.Based on the data of physical properties,geochemistry,X-ray diffraction,thin section,gas content,production test and logging curve,the characteristics,genetic factors and their effects on gas content of different types of low resistivity are studied.The results indicate that the boundary between low resistivity well and normal resistivity well in shale gas reservoir is 15 Ω·m,and the resistivity range of sub low resistivity well is mainly 10~100 Ω·m.The curve shape characteristics of low resistivity well mainly include"continuous decline type"(Rt<5 Ω·m)and"first decrease and then increase type"(5~15 Ω·m).The origin factors of low resistivity mainly include graphitization caused by over mature organic matter,high water saturation,high pyrite content and high clay mineral content,which play a different role in the reduction of resistivity of different types;Low resistivity wells of"continuous decline"generally have poor gas content,but the"first decrease and then return to increase"generally have good gas content.The low resistivity shale at the bottom of the syncline structural belt and at a large buried depth is usually"continuous decline",and the gas-bearing properties and test productivity are usually very low.It is a type that needs special attention in the risk exploration and development of low resistivity shale gas.


西南石油大学地球科学与技术学院,四川成都 610500||油气藏地质及开发工程全国重点实验室·西南石油大学,四川成都 610500||天然气地质四川省重点实验室,四川成都 610500中国石化胜利油田分公司油气勘探管理中心,山东东营 257000中国石油西南油气田公司,四川成都 610041中国石油西南油气田公司页岩气研究院,四川成都 610041



marine shalelow resistivitysouthern Sichuan BasinWufeng-Longmaxi Formationorganic matter graphitization

《西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (002)

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