

Structural ore-controlling mechanism of the Qingshan lead-zinc deposit in northwestern Guizhou,China and its implications for deep prospecting


[研究目的]青山铅锌矿床地处扬子地块西南缘的黔西北矿集区威宁—水城成矿亚带中段,严格受构造控制,资源潜力巨大.基于前期资料综合分析及野外地质调研,发现矿区构造成生发展过程和构造控矿机理不清、深部找矿勘查方向不明等问题制约了找矿突破.[研究方法]本文应用矿田地质力学理论和方法,通过大比例尺构造剖面精测、不同方向控矿构造力学性质鉴定与不同期次、序次构造筛分,结合区域构造应力场变化特征,揭示了构造控矿机理.[研究结果]自印支期以来,该区的主压应力方向主要历经了北东-南西向→北西-南东向→北东-南西向→近东西向的转变过程,依次形成了早北西构造带、北东构造带、晚北西构造带、南北构造带(构造体系).通过成矿构造解析及其与成矿关系讨论,厘定了北东构造带为该矿区的成矿构造体系,揭示了构造分级控矿规律:北西向威宁—水城断裂、威水背斜为矿区的一级控矿构造,控制了威宁—水城矿化带或矿田的展布;威宁—水城断裂扭动作用派生的北西向断裂F1、F2,控制了矿床(矿体群)的分布,为矿区的二级控矿构造;F1、F2 断裂间的层间断裂破碎带,直接控制了矿体的形态和产状,为三级控矿构造;矿体旁侧的节理裂隙带控制矿脉,为四级控矿构造.[结论]青山铅锌矿床构造分级控矿规律明显,主要受四个等级的控矿构造控制,并形成了与其相对应的 4种矿化样式.

This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering. [Objective]The Qingshan medium-size Pb-Zn deposit is located in the middle of the Weining-Shuicheng metallogenic sub-belt in the southwest margin of the Yangzi Block.The ore-body of the Qingshan deposit is strict controlled by structure and the resource potential is huge.[Methods]Based on the theory and method of orefield geomechanics,this research has revealed the mechanism of structural ore control by the fine survey of large-scale structural profile,the identification of mechanical properties of typical ore-controlling structures in different directions and the screening of structures in different periods and orders,combined with the characteristics of regional tectonic stress field.[Results]The results show that the principal compressive stress direction of the mining area since the Indosinian had changed from NE-SW-trending to NW-SE-trending to NE-SW-trending to near EW-trending,sequentially forming tectonic systems of the early NW tectonic belt,the NE tectonic belt,the late NW tectonic belt and the SN tectonic belt in turn.By the analysis of ore-controlling structure and the discussion of its relationship with mineralization,the metallogenic structural system of the north-east tectonic belt has been determined,and the hierarchical ore-controlling regularity of structure is revealed,it is,the northwest-trending Weining-Shuicheng fault and Weining-Shuicheng anticline are the first-grade ore-controlling structures,which control the distribution of the Weining-Shuicheng metallogenic sub-belt or orefield;The NW-trending faults(F1 and F2)derived from the Weining-Shuicheng fault,control the distribution of the deposit or orebody group,and are the second-grade ore-controlling structures in the mining area;The interlayer fracture zones between F1 and F2 faults directly control the feature and attitude of orebodies,which is the third-grade ore-controlling structure in the mining area;The joint fissures on the sides of orebodies control the ore-veins,which is the fourth-grade ore-controlling structure.[Conclusions]The regularities of structural classification control are obvious for the Qingshan Pb-Zn deposit,which is mainly controlled by the ore-controlling structures of four grades,and has formed the four types of mineralization styles.


昆明理工大学国土资源学院,云南 昆明 650093||有色金属矿产地质调查中心 西南地质调查所,云南 昆明 650093云南驰宏锌锗股份有限公司,云南 曲靖 655011贵州红桥矿业集团有限公司,贵州 六盘水 553000



metallogenic tectonic systemore-controlling mechanismmodel of tectonic ore controlmineral exploration implicationQingshan lead-zinc depositnorthwestern Guizhou Provincemineral exploration engineering

《中国地质》 2024 (002)


399-425 / 27

国家自然科学基金项目(41572060)、云岭学者资助项目(2014)、云南省矿产资源预测评价工程实验室(2010)及云南省地质过程与矿产资源省创新团队项目(2012)联合资助. Supported by National natural Science Foundation Project(No.41572060),Projects for Yunling Scholars(2014),Yunnan Engineering Laboratory of Mineral Resources Prediction and Evaluation(YM Lab)(2010)and Geological Process and Mineral Resources Innovation Team(2012).

