

Harmfulness of fluorine-bearing groundwater and its current situation and progress of treatment technology


[研究目的]地下水氟污染在世界范围内都被认为是一项重大公共卫生危害.据统计,全球有约 2亿多人正面临氟中毒风险,至少有 28个国家出现过饮用高氟水造成的氟中毒事件.高氟地下水主要分布于干旱缺水的欠发达地区,普遍缺乏可替代的饮用水源,使地方性氟中毒问题长期得不到有效解决.因此,研发经济可行的氟化物去除技术成为解决高氟地下水问题的关键.[研究方法]基于文献调研结果,以现阶段全球含氟地下水的污染现状为基础,综合考虑研究深度、理论和应用可行性、去除效率、可再生性等多种因素,对国内外含氟地下水研究和应用案例进行总结分析.[研究结果]介绍了世界范围内含氟地下水的成因和分布,系统总结了现有主流含氟地下水处理技术的优劣、除氟机理和应用进展,并对存在问题和未来发展趋势进行了分析和展望.[结论]每种技术都有各自的处理优势和一定的局限性,在选择和应用时需要综合考虑含氟地下水的水质情况和目标需求.同时,当前的地下水除氟技术在研发过程中也存在服务目标针对性不强、综合处理效率不佳以及吸附容量应用与理论值偏差较大等问题.多种处理工艺的耦合应用可以更好地发挥不同处理技术的优势,取得取长补短的效果,正受到人们日益关注.此外,多污染物的联合去除以及结构可人工调控的新型吸附材料的设计研发也是未来重要发展方向.

This paper is the result of hydrogeological survey engineering. [Objective]Fluorine contaminated groundwater is considered a major public health hazard worldwide.According to statistics,over 200 million people worldwide are at risk of fluorosis,and at least 28 countries have experienced fluorosis incidents caused by drinking high fluoride water.High fluoride groundwater is mainly distributed in underdeveloped areas with drought and water scarcity,and there is a general lack of alternative drinking water sources,making the problem of endemic fluorosis difficult to effectively solve for a long time.Therefore,developing economically feasible fluoride removal technologies has become the key to solving the problem of high fluoride groundwater.[Methods]Based on the results of literature research and the current global pollution status of fluorinated groundwater,This article summarized and analyzed the research and application cases of fluorinated groundwater both domestically and internationally,taking into account various factors such as research depth,theoretical and application feasibility,removal efficiency,and renewability comprehensively.[Results]This article systematically introduced the causes and distribution of fluorinated groundwater worldwide,summarized the advantages and disadvantages of existing mainstream fluorinated groundwater treatment technologies,fluoride removal mechanisms and application progress,and analyzed and prospected the existing problems and future development trends.[Conclusions]Each technology had its own processing advantages and certain limitations,and when selecting and applying specific technologies,it was necessary to comprehensively consider the water quality and target requirements of fluorine contaminated groundwater.At the same time,there were also problems in the current research and development process of groundwater fluoride removal technology,such as lack of targeted service objectives,poor comprehensive treatment efficiency,and significant deviation between the application of adsorption capacity and theoretical values.The coupling application of multiple treatment processes could better leverage the advantages of different treatment technologies and achieved the effect of complementing each other's strengths,which was receiving increasing attention from people.In addition,the joint removal of multiple pollutants and the design and development of new adsorption materials with manually adjustable structures are also important development directions in the future.


中国地质科学院水文地质环境地质研究所,河北石家庄 050061||自然资源部地下水科学与工程重点实验室,河北石家庄 050061宁夏回族自治区地质局,宁夏 银川 750011宁夏回族自治区水文环境地质调查院,宁夏 银川 750021华北水利水电大学,河南 郑州 450046



fluorinepathogenic elementharmfulnessgroundwaterremoval technologypollution remediationhydrogeological survey engineering

《中国地质》 2024 (002)

457-482 / 26

国家重点研发计划项目课题(2022YFC3703701)、河北自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(D2020504032)、中国地质调查局中国地质科学院基本科研业务费项目(KY202301)及宁夏地下水与生态环境效应研究人才小高地项目联合资助. Supported by the projects of National Key Research and Development Program(No.2022YFC3703701),Outstanding Youth Science Fund of Hebei Natural Science Foundation(No.D2020504032),Basic Scientific Research of Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences and China Geological Survey(No.KY202301),and Small Highland Project of Research Talents on Groundwater and Ecological Environmental Effects in Ningxia.

