

Type,formation mechanism and distribution regularity of landslides in the deeply incised valley area of Yalong River Basin——A case study of Zituoxi-Malangcuo river section


[研究目的]雅砻江流域是中国西部重要的林牧业基地、水电能源基地和少数民族聚居区,开展流域内的滑坡成因和分布规律研究,对于制定科学的防灾减灾策略、保障经济社会稳定发展具有重要意义.[研究方法]以雅砻江中游深切河谷区子拖西―麻郎错河段为研究区,通过高分辨率卫星遥感解译、InSAR分析、结合现场调查获取滑坡基础数据;采用工程地质分析方法总结分析典型的滑坡类型及其成因机制;利用GIS空间分析和统计方法,揭示滑坡的分布规律及发育的优势范围.[研究结果](1)研究区内共查明滑坡 606处,其中面积 104~105 m2的滑坡数量最多,约占总数的 60%;面积 103~104 m2 和面积 105~106 m2 的滑坡数量相当,各约占总数的 20%;(2)根据主控诱发因素将滑坡划分为降雨诱发型、构造控制型、开挖诱发型、河流侵蚀型和蓄水诱发型等 5种主要类型;降雨和蓄水对岩土体强度的弱化效应、断裂构造对岩体结构及其力学性质的劣化效应、开挖和河流侵蚀对斜坡前缘抗滑支撑作用的解除效应等是导致滑坡形成的关键机理;(3)海拔高程 2500~3500 m、坡度 15°~35°、坡向NE-E和S-W是滑坡发育的优势地形范围;(4)由薄层状板岩、粉砂质板岩构成的软变质岩组是滑坡发育的优势岩组,花岗岩、石英闪长岩等坚硬侵入岩构成的岩浆岩组中滑坡最不发育;(5)康都断层、千杯尼玛断层、祝桑断层、唐岗断层、霍泽扎日断层和涅达断层这 6条断层对滑坡的影响不显著,研究区下游麻子石断层、程章断层、然公断层、鸡打—米龙—木灰断层两侧及其交汇部位滑坡发育最为密集;(6)滑坡发育分布与河流水系距离之间呈明显的负相关性,距河流水系 0~0.5 km是滑坡发育的优势距离,宏观上滑坡沿着河谷成带状集中分布.[结论]研究成果可以为认识雅砻江深切河谷区滑坡的成因和规律,防控流域链式灾害风险提供重要的科学依据.

This paper is the result of geological hazard survey engineering. [Objective]The Yalong River Basin is an important base for forestry,animal husbandry,hydropower,energy,and minority communities in western China.It is of great significance to study the causes and distribution of landslides in the Yalong River Basin to formulate scientific disaster prevention and mitigation strategies and ensure stable economic and societal development.[Methods]The Zituoxi-Malangcuo river section in a deeply incised valley area of the Yalong River Basin was used as the study area.Basic landslide data were obtained through high-resolution satellite remote sensing interpretation,InSAR analysis,and field investigation.The typical landslide types and their formation mechanisms were summarized and analyzed using an engineering geology analysis method,and the distribution regularity and dominant development range of landslides were revealed by means of GIS spatial analysis and statistical methods.[Results](1)A total of 606 landslides were identified in the study area,among which the number of landslides with an area of 104-105 square meters was the most,accounting for approximately 60 percent of the total,and the number of landslides with areas of 103-104 and 105-106 square meters were essentially equal,accounting for approximately 20 percent of the total respectively;(2)Landslides were divided into five main types,i.e.rainfall-induced type,structure-controlled type,excavation-induced type,river erosion type and water impoundment-induced type,according to the main controlling factors of landslides.The key mechanism responsible for the occurrence of landslides mainly including the weakening effect of rock and soil strength by rainfall and impounded water,the deterioration effect of rock structures and its mechanical properties by fault structures,and the release effect of the anti-sliding and supporting action at the front of slope caused by excavation and river erosion;(3)The dominant terrain ranges for landslide development were of elevation 2500-3500 m,slope angle 15°-35°,and slope aspect NE-E and S-W;(4)The soft metamorphic rock group composed of thin-bedded slate and silty slate was the dominant lithological group for development of landslides,while landslides in the magmatic rock group consisted of hard intrusive rocks such as granite and quartz diorite was the least;(5)the Kangdu fault,Qianbeinima fault,Zhusang fault,Tanggang fault,Huozezhari fault and Nieda fault were found having less impact on the development of landslides,however,landslides developed densely at both sides of the Mazishi fault,Chengzhang fault,Rangong fault and Jida-Milong-Muhui fault and at zones where these faults intersected in the downstream of the study area;(6)A negative correlation between the distribution of landslides and the distance to the river systems can be obviously seen,and a distance to the river systems of 0-0.5 km was found to be the dominant distance range of landslide development.The landslides were macroscopically concentrated along river valleys such as belts.[Conclusions]The research results provide a significant scientific basis for understanding the causes and regularities of landslides in the deep incised valley of the Yalong River,and preventing and controlling the risk of geohazard chains in the river basin.


中国地质调查局成都地质调查中心(西南地质科技创新中心),四川 成都 610218中国地质调查局成都地质调查中心(西南地质科技创新中心),四川 成都 610218||山东科技大学地球科学与工程学院,山东 青岛 266590华北水利水电大学地球科学与工程学院,河南 郑州 450045



Yalong River basinlandslideremote sensing interpretationInSARformation mechanismspatial distributiongeological hazard survey engineering

《中国地质》 2024 (002)

511-524 / 14

中国地质调查局项目(DD20221811,DD20211379)和第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究项目(2019QZKK0904)联合资助. Supported by the projects of China Geological Survey(No.DD20221811,No.DD20211379),and the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research(No.2019QZKK0904).

