

The Influence Mechanism of Learning Community on Undergraduates'Social-emotional Competency


社会情感能力是个体获得全面发展、适应和服务社会的必备技能.学习共同体作为一种高影响力的教育活动,以师生互动和同伴互动为主要作用形式,对大学生能力发展产生赋权增能的社群效应.探讨学习共同体对促进大学生社会情感能力发展的作用机制,可为提升本科人才培养质量提供行动指南.鉴于学生个体嵌套于学校环境,通过建构多水平结构方程模型,以107所本科高校的127 512名本科生样本为研究对象,从个体水平和学校水平出发考察学习共同体体验、学习共同体投入两个维度(师生互动与同伴互动)对大学生社会情感能力的影响.研究发现,学习共同体体验在个体水平和学校水平上均显著直接预测社会情感能力.在个体水平上,学习共同体通过师生互动和同伴互动的中介作用间接预测社会情感能力;在学校水平上,师生互动在学习共同体体验和社会情感能力之间发挥显著的中介效应,而同伴互动发挥的中介效应不显著.相比而言,学校水平上的师生互动、个体水平上的同伴互动更能积极预测社会情感能力.基于此,参与学习共同体是大学生锻炼和提升社会情感能力的重要途径,高校需要继续加大对学习共同体环境的支持力度,构建同向而行的师生互动关系和同伴互动关系,努力营造良好的社会情感教育氛围.

Social-emotional competency is an important factor to undergraduates'comprehensive development,their adapting to and serving the society.Learning community as one of high-impact practices,takes teacher-student interaction and peer interaction as its main function form to affect college students'competency development by means of the community empowerment so that exploring the mecha-nism of undergraduates'participation in learning community on their social emotional competency can pro-vide an important path for improving the quality of undergraduate talent.Considering students are nested within the school environment,this study took 127 512 undergraduates from 107 universities as research ob-jects,and adopted the multilevel structural equation model to analyze the influence of the perception of learning community and the engagement in learning community(teacher-student interaction and peer inter-action)on social-emotional competency both at the student level and school level simultaneously.Results indicated that the perception of learning community directly predicted social-emotional competency at both the student and school levels,and indirectly predicted social-emotional competency at the student level through the mediating effect of teacher-student interaction and peer interaction.At the school level,teacher-student interaction has a significant mediating effect between the perception of learning community and so-cial-emotional competency while the mediating effect of peer interaction is not significant.By comparison,teacher-student interaction at the school level and peer interaction at the student level are more positive pre-dictors of social-emotional competency.Thereby,Learning community is an important field for college students to exercise and enhance their social-emotional competency.Universities need to strengthen the en-vironmental support of the learning community,enhance teacher-student interaction and peer interaction in the same direction,and establish the social emotional education atmosphere.


厦门大学 教育研究院,厦门 361005||烟台南山学院 山东省社科普及教育基地,龙口 265706厦门大学 教育研究院,厦门 361005



social-emotional competencyundergraduateslearning communitymultilevel structural equation model

《重庆高教研究》 2024 (003)

82-96 / 15


