

Prevention and treatment strategies for postpar-tum hemorrhage in rural and county hospitals



Rural and county hospitals are usually small scale,with fewer medical staff and limited resources such as emergency drugs and medical equipment,and thus face special challenges in the emergency man-agement of postpartum hemorrhage.This article pro-poses the following suggestions for the prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage in rural and county hospitals:(1)Establish a system for postpartum hem-orrhage risk factor assessment,determine referral in-dications,and transfer high-risk pregnant women to higher-level hospitals for antennal care and delivery.(2)Screen and treat iron deficiency and anemia during pregnancy to improve hemoglobin reserves by diet guidance and drug treatment and reduce blood trans-fusion rates during childbirth.(3)Establish an ob-stetrical rapid response team,determine the indications for initiating the team and the hospital resources that can be mobilized in emergency situations,and improve team collaboration ability through drills.(4)For complex intrapartum complications,it is necessary to seek senior doctors'input without delay,evaluate whether multidisciplinary input or referral to higher-level hospitals is needed,and ensure that resources and personnel mobilization plans are in place before emergency situations occur.(5)Train obstetric staff to master second-line hemostasis methods.(6)Imple-ment regular clinical audit and provide feedback on postpartum hemorrhage.


南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院妇产科,江苏南京 210008



postpartum hemorrhageanemiablood transfusionhigh-risk pregnancyteamwork

《中国实用妇科与产科杂志》 2024 (004)

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