

Effect of Plant Growth Inhibitors on Agronomic Traits and Pre-harvest Sprouting Resistance of Quinoa


藜麦果实无休眠或休眠期短,成熟时云南大部分地区雨季尚未结束,在收获前期遇持续阴雨天气或在潮湿环境下易发生穗发芽现象,严重影响藜麦产量和品质.为有效地控制藜麦穗发芽,以易穗发芽的WQ6为试验材料,分别在初花期(B1)、盛花期(B2)、灌浆期(B3)分别喷施脱落酸(A1)、矮壮素(A2)、多效唑(A3)3种植物生长抑制剂,以喷施清水为对照(CK),探究不同时期喷施不同植物生长抑制剂对藜麦农艺性状和穗发芽抗性的影响.通过隶属函数法综合分析穗发芽抗性,发现各处理的穗发芽隶属函数均值都小于CK,盛花期喷施矮壮素处理的隶属函数平均值最低,穗发芽抗性最强.各处理均能极显著矮化植株、影响产量,A2B1、A1B2、A2B2、A3B2、A1B3处理能够显著增加产量.综合藜麦产量、穗发芽抗性以及抑制剂成本,在盛花期喷施200 mg·L-1多效唑效果最好.

The fruit of quinoa has no dormancy or a short dormancy period,and the rainy season has not ended in most region of Yunnan when quinoa is ripe.In the early stage of harvest,the pre-harvest sprouting(PHS)is easy to occur under continuous rainy weather or humid environment,which seriously affects the yield and quality of quinoa.In order to select an effective method to control PHS of quinoa,WQ6,which is easy to sprout,was used as the experimental material,and abscisic acid(A1),cycocel(A2)and paclobutrazol(A3)were sprayed at the early flowering stage(B1),full flowering stage(B2)and filling stage(B3),respectively,with spraying clear water as control(CK).The effects of spraying different plant growth inhibitors in different periods on agronomic characters and PHS resistance of quinoa were studied.The results showed that the average membership functions of PHS resistance under inhibitors treatments were less than CK by membership function method,among which the average membership function of spraying cycocel at full flowering stage was the lowest and the PHS resistance was the strongest.All treatments could significantly dwarf plants and affect the yield,among which A2B1,A1B2,A2B2,A3B2 and A1B3 treatments could significantly increase the yield.Considering the yield of quinoa,PHS resistance and inhibitor cost,A3B2 was the best treatment,which spraying 200 mg·L-1 paclobutrazol at full flowering stage had the best effect.


云南农业大学农学与生物技术学院,昆明 650201云南农业大学园林园艺学院,昆明 650201



plant growth inhibitorquinoaagronomic traitspre-harvest sprouting resistance

《中国农业科技导报》 2024 (005)


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