

A Seven-year Retrospective Analysis of Big Data on Patients with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo


目的 良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)是最常见的外周性前庭疾病,但目前我国尚缺乏对BPPV大样本数据的回顾性分析,本研究旨在为BPPV患者家庭疾病预警和防范提供相应的理论依据.方法 回顾性选取2014年6月—2021年6月中国人民解放军总医院眩晕诊疗中心数据库中眩晕患者45 807例的临床资料,其中符合BPPV诊断患者5883例,根据其类型分类,统计患者年龄、性别、就诊时间、首诊BPPV类型、复诊BPPV类型等信息.使用Python 3.7进行数据可视化.结果 BPPV患者中,女性3909例,男性1974例,50~59岁人群BPPV患者最多,且各BPPV类型中,女性患者比例均高于男性患者.所有眩晕患者位置性试验(+)阳性率为12.8%.不同类型BPPV比例中后管BPPV比例为64.5%,水平管BPPV比例为30.9%.有1092例BPPV复诊记录,首次诊断BPPV至复诊阴性有411例,234例患者BPPV类型在2~6次的就诊过程中有改变,BPPV类型转换比较常见的是左右耳PC-BPPV之间变化(71例).结论 本研究大数据显示,BPPV患者主要分布在50岁左右人群,女性患者约为男性的2倍.LC-BPPV患者比例远高于前期研究数据,约占所有BPPV患者的30.9%.在长期随访中,除大部分患者的BPPV类型没有发生变化外,主要的耳石变化存在后管侧别之间、后管与水平管之间进行转换的趋势.

Objective Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(BPPV)is the most common peripheral vestibular disease.However,there lacks large sample data analysis on BPPV in China.This current study aims to provide data sup-port for family counseling and prevention of BPPV.Methods Records of patients with vertigo(n=45 807)seen at the Chinese PLA General Hospital in the past 7 years,including patients with confirmed BPPV(n=5883)were retrospective-ly reviewed.Key information,including age,gender,visit time,initial BPPV type and BPPV type at follow-ups,were analyzed.Data were visualized using the Python 3.7 software.Result Of the 5883 patients with confirmed BPPV,the fe-male to male ratio was 1.98:1(3909:1,974),mostly in the age range of 50-59 years,with more female patients than male patients in all BPPV types.Among all 45 808 vertigo patients,12.8%were positive for positional nystagmus.Pos-terior semicircular canal BPPV was the most common(64.5%),followed by horizontal canal BPPV(30.9%).Follow-up records were for 1092 patients,showing disappearance of BPPV in 411 patients and change of BPPV type in 234 pa-tients(most often between left and right posterior canal BPPV,n=71).Conclusions Our data show that BPPV was main-ly seen in women around 50 years of age.The rate of lateral canal BPPV was higher in this group than previously report-ed at 30.9%.Long-term follow-ups showed a main pattern of BPPV type changes of switching sides in patients with pos-terior canal BPPV and switching between posterior canal and horizontal canal BPPV.


中国人民解放军总医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科医学部,听觉与平衡觉全国重点实验室,国家耳鼻咽喉疾病临床医学研究中心,聋病教育部重点实验室,聋病防治北京市重点实验室(北京 100853)


benign paroxysmal positional vertigolateral semicircular canalsdata analysisfollow-upinterven-tion

《中华耳科学杂志》 2024 (001)

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