

Importance of Saccadic Wave Parameters in Video Head Impulse Testing


本综述旨在全面讨论视频头脉冲中扫视波(catch-up saccades,CS)的参数、机制以及其与前庭功能和相关疾病的联系,从而验证CS在临床评估前庭功能及相关疾病中的关键作用.本文详细描述了CS的参数特征、生理机制以及产生的条件,并深入分析其在前庭-眼反射以及颈眼反射的角色.借助头脉冲抑制模型中的CS,结合动态视敏度以及步态和平衡功能,进一步探讨CS与前庭功能的紧密联系.此外,本文还从不同年龄段、前庭功能损伤、梅尼埃病及前庭性偏头痛等角度,剖析了CS的表现及其在各种疾病背景下的重要性.总之,CS对于维持视觉的稳定性,评估前庭功能的损伤程度以及前庭康复阶段均具有重要价值.

The aim of this paper is to describe the parameters and mechanisms of catch-up saccades(CS)in video head impulse tests and their relationship to vestibular functions and disorders,as the evidence of its importance in clini-cal assessment.Characteristics,mechanisms and generation of CS are described in detail,especially its roles in the ves-tibulo-ocular reflex(VOR)and cervico-ocular reflex.By assessing CS in the suppression head impulse paradigm,dy-namic visual acuity,gait and balance,we elaborate in detail on the connection between CS and vestibular functions.The article also analyzes the performance of CS under various conditions,including age,vestibular function damage,Me-niere's disease and vestibular migraines,to provide an understanding of the role of CS in various disease conditions.CS plays a crucial role in maintaining visual stability and in assessing vestibular functions impairment and vestibular reha-bilitation.


中国人民解放军总医院第一医学中心,听觉与平衡觉全国重点实验室,国家耳鼻咽喉疾病临床医学研究中心,聋病教育部重点实验室,聋病防治北京市重点实验室(北京 100853)


catch-up saccadesvestibular-ocular reflexcervico-ocular reflexMeniere's diseasevestibular mi-graine

《中华耳科学杂志》 2024 (001)

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