

The Essence,Value and Strategies of Integrating the Spirit of Educators into the Training of Vocational Education Teachers



The spirit of educators in contemporary times has a very rich connotation,thus presenting demands for the training of vocational education teachers.These demands primarily include that vocational education teachers should possess a great self and a sincere ideal of serving the country,moral sentiments of setting an example in both words and deeds,the wisdom to enlighten and nurture minds through tailored teaching,a diligent and truthful attitude towards learning and innovation,a benevolent heart that loves teaching and willingly dedicates itself,and the pursuit of cultivating people with a broad-minded cultural spirit.The values of integrating the spirit of educators into the training of vocational education teachers include co-developing with the emotional connection of craftsman-teacher,promoting the unity of knowledge and action among vocational education teachers,and enhancing their capabilities in knowledge innovation comprehensively.The strategies of integrating the spirit of educators into vocational education teacher training include:transform from a symbolic spirit to genuinely promoting talent cultivation;continuously inspire motivation,achieving a spiraling rise from cognitive agreement to emotional identification and then to behavioral identification;focus on nurturing students'capabilities,realizing a comprehensive cultivation of vocational education teachers'qualities;further enrich the training mediums,moving from a unified school-led to a diverse collaborative approach.





educator spiritvocational teacher trainingvocational education teachersmaster craftsmen teachers

《职业技术教育》 2024 (010)

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