

The influence of entrepreneur authority on the succession effect of family business


企业家权威如何促进家族企业代际传承?本研究基于社会认同理论,从企业家法定权威、职位权威和魅力权威出发,通过浙江省 189 位家族企业家及对应的 1106 位员工样本数据,实证检验了企业家权威对家族企业代际传承的影响机理.研究结果表明:(1)企业家法定权威和魅力权威显著正向影响家族企业代际传承;(2)员工的领导认同和组织认同在魅力权威和家族企业成功传承的关系之间起到完全中介作用,而员工领导认同在企业家法定权威和成功传承的关系之间也起到完全中介作用;(3)员工的领导认同和组织认同同时发生作用时,员工的领导认同作用更为重要.本研究细化了企业家权威的内涵,明确了企业家职位授予并不能导致家族企业成功传承,而企业家知识技能、社会网络和所持股份等将通过员工认同显著影响成功传承.相关研究结论对当前中国家族企业代际传承中企业家与员工之间的关系研究具有重要指导意义.

After more than 40 years of development,Chinese family enterprises have entered the stage of intergenerational succession.Solving the succession problem of family enterprises is a severe challenge facing China's"two healthy"development.Family enterprises allocate various resources mainly through differentiated authority related to identity and status,among which entrepreneur authority will bring some advantages for the sustainable development of family enterprises.However,as far as the current research status is concerned,most academic research on the intergenerational succession of family business focuses on the transmission of power between two generations of entrepreneurs.Although some scholars recognize the importance of authority to enterprise succession,most focus on theoretical discussion and lack empirical tests.The number of relevant studies has increased in recent years,but most focus on the direct impact of authority on enterprises,ignoring the impact of employees'emotions,attitudes and behaviors during the transition between two generations of entrepreneurs. The authority of entrepreneurs and the emotional attitude of employees are important factors affecting individual decision-making in enterprises.Authority is a dominant and subordinate relationship between"superior"and"subordinate".If we ignore"subordinate"to discuss the authority of"superior",we will not be able to explore the nature of authority,nor can we reflect authority efficacy.Therefore,this study introduces the employee identification variable to explain the mechanism of entrepreneur authority's effect on family business intergenerational succession from the employee's perspective.In this paper,family enterprises in Zhejiang Province were selected as the research object,and questionnaires were distributed to family enterprises in Zhejiang province from July to September 2021 through paired samples.Based on the mediating effect model,this paper analyzes the effects of three specific authorities(legal authority,position authority and charismatic authority),which provides a new perspective for studying the intergenerational succession of family enterprises.In addition,the empirical test is carried out through the sample data of 189 family enterprises in Zhejiang Province to facilitate the sustainable and healthy development of Chinese family enterprises. The findings are as follows:First,position authority of entrepreneurs does not significantly promote the successful succession of family businesses.In practical succession practice,family enterprises with a strong intention of inheritance tend to let the new generation of entrepreneurs start from the grassroots,accumulate management experience,and get familiar with corporate strategy and culture to achieve a smooth intergenerational transition.Especially in enterprises with an incomplete formal governance model,if the second-generation management is directly parachuted,it may lead to the disobedience and non-cooperation of the original executives and then hinder the effective succession of the enterprise.It can be seen that the position is not a"stepping stone"for leaders to effectively coordinate their work. Secondly,entrepreneurs'legal and charismatic authority will significantly positively influence the successful succession of family businesses.Legal authority represents the entrepreneur's ownership of the enterprise,which is the basis for his domination and control of the enterprise.In addition,entrepreneurs'knowledge and social resources are important sources of their charismatic authority and competitive advantages that others cannot copy and imitate.This also explains why most family firms use grassroots rather than the parachute succession model.The successor starts from the grassroots level,accumulates knowledge and social resources in the process of in-depth understanding of the enterprise's operation process and getting along with the employees,and finally forms charismatic authority,laying a solid foundation for the subsequent formal succession. Thirdly,entrepreneurs'legal authority and charismatic authority have a significant positive influence on employee identification.The legal authority provides legitimacy for entrepreneurs to manage and deploy employees.Entrepreneurs can transmit personal values and goals to employees and internalize them continuously,thus forming preliminary leadership identification.If the successor has both extraordinary personality charm and personal ability,employees will voluntarily become his followers and believers and regard him as a hero in the organization,further strengthening the leadership identification of employees.In addition,leaders with charismatic authority influence corporate culture and values considerably.If the successor's values are consistent with the original corporate culture,the emotional fluctuations of employees will be alleviated,and the organization identification of employees will be enhanced,thus realizing the smooth intergenerational succession of the family business. Fourthly,employee identification plays a complete intermediary role between entrepreneur authority and the successful succession of a family business.With the support of leadership identification and organization identification,employees will obey and follow entrepreneurs psychologically and behaviorally,thus forming a working attitude of active cooperation and coordination.In addition,employees will also have a sense of responsibility,belonging and dependence on the enterprise,so that they are inclined to organize cooperation or even willing to contribute,providing endogenous power for the competitive advantage of enterprise human resources and the"build to last"of the family enterprise.


温州大学 商学院,浙江 温州 325035



Family enterpriseEntrepreneur authorityLeadership identificationOrganization identificationIntergenerational succession

《管理工程学报》 2024 (003)

14-28 / 15

国家哲学社会科学基金项目(15BGL108);温州市哲学社会科学规划课题重点项目(18wsk108);温州大学学生科研课题(2022kx248) The Project of Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of China(15BGL108);The Key Project of Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of Wenzhou(18wsk108);The Student Scientific Research Foundation of Wenzhou University(2022kx248)

