

Data-driven optimization with samples partition for the newsvendor problem


大数据时代的到来为企业库存管理带来了前所未有的机遇,同时也对其相应的决策方法提出了新的挑战.高效利用实时市场数据支撑库存管理智能决策已经成为企业提升库存管理效率的关键.传统库存管理研究是基于需求预测的基础上再做库存决策.而近年来流行的数据驱动库存管理方法是跳过需求预测的过程,直接建立需求数据与库存决策的关系.本文研究数据驱动的经典报童问题,其随机需求分布是未知的,报童只有若干期历史的需求数据.本文基于数据样本划分提出了新的数据驱动鲁棒优化方法来解决报童的订货问题.该方法通过将需求数据样本划分成不同的区间来构造随机需求分布的模糊集,从而求解相应的鲁棒优化问题.理论证明了该方法随着样本量的增加,其解收敛于最优解.数值实验表明相对已有的鲁棒方法,新方法具有相对弱的鲁棒性,但平均性能更好,并且计算复杂度相对小很多.同时表明本文提出的样本划分鲁棒方法比 SAA 等数据驱动方法具有更好的平均性能和更强的鲁棒性.

The advent of the era of big data has brought unprecedented opportunities for enterprise inventory management,but also has raised new challenges to its corresponding decision-making methods.On the one hand,the richness and availability of data in the era of big data has brought rich information to support enterprise's decision-making,such as real-time customer behavior data and product-related data owned by large e-commerce platforms.How to efficiently use big data to support inventory management has become a new growth point for enterprises.On the other hand,the big data method has promoted the transformation of research paradigm in the field of inventory management.Traditional inventory management typically assumes that the demand distribution function is known.However,the real data is usually massive,multi-dimensional and unstructured,which raised new big challenges for statistical methods,and it becomes more difficult to estimate and predict.In the context of big data,the research paradigm of inventory management has also undergone significant changes,from traditional model driven to data-driven decision-making.Data driven decision-making is to skip the link of demand forecasting and directly establishes the relationship between data and decision-making. Efficient use of real-time market data to support intelligent decision-making for inventory management has become the key for enterprises to improve the efficiency of inventory management.This paper studies the classical newsboy problem,that is,newsboy needs to determine the order quantity in each period to meet the random demand.The random demand distribution is unknown,and newsboy has only several periods of historical demand data.The goal of newsboy is to minimize inventory costs,including shortage costs and inventory holding costs.Based on the data sample partition,this paper proposes a new data-driven robust optimization method(DROSP)to solve the newsboy ordering problem.DROSP method divides the demand data samples into different intervals to construct the fuzzy set of random demand distribution,so as to solve the corresponding robust optimization problem.The original problem is difficult to solve.By redefining the cost structure and sample set,the original problem is transformed into a classical robust distributed optimization problem,which can be solved efficiently.This paper also theoretically proves that the solution of DROSP method converges to the optimal solution with the increase of sample size.Numerical experiments compare the efficiency of DROSP and classical SAA methods.Four different types of demand distributions are tested,including multi-peak random distribution,high standard deviation distribution,heavy head distribution and heavy tail distribution.The numerical results show that:1)firstly,the efficiency of both DROSP and SAA methods first increases and then decreases as the service level increases;2)the efficiency of the DROSP method proposed in this paper is obviously better than that of the traditional method SAA,especially when the service level is in the middle range.However,when the service level is small or large,the efficiency of the two is similar.At the same time,under the multi peak random distribution,heavy head distribution and heavy tail distribution,the efficiency of DROSP method is much better than that of traditional SAA method,while the efficiency of the two methods is the same under the high standard deviation distribution;3)in most test examples,the error standard deviation of the DROSP method proposed in this paper is less than that of the SAA method,which means that the robustness of the DROSP method is stronger than that of the SAA method;4)with the increase of sample size,the efficiency of both methods will become better,and the change trend is similar.This paper proposes a new robust optimization method and applies it to data-driven inventory management.The research not only enriches the development of data-driven inventory management theory,but also provides more data-driven inventory algorithms for enterprise practice,and provides more feasible and effective theoretical and methodological support for enterprise intelligent decision-making.


浙江工贸职业技术学院 国际商贸学院,浙江 温州 325003



Inventory managementData drivenRobust optimizationNewsvendor problem

《管理工程学报》 2024 (003)

161-171 / 11

浙江省科技厅软科学项目(2020C35029);浙江省教育厅"十三五"教学改革研究项目(jg20190893) The Project of Soft Science of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Science and Technology(2020C35029);The Project of Teaching Reform in the 13th Five Year Plan of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education(jg20190893)

