首页|期刊导航|光学精密工程|2.79 μm高速转镜调Q Er,Cr:YSGG纳秒窄脉冲激光器

2.79 μm高速转镜调Q Er,Cr:YSGG纳秒窄脉冲激光器OA北大核心CSTPCD

High-speed rotating-mirror Q-switched Er,Cr:YSGG nanosecond narrow pulse laser at 2.79 μm


转镜调Q无插入损耗,是获得窄脉冲、高峰值功率输出激光的直接方式.纳秒脉冲需要使用高速转镜调Q,并精准控制电机转速与氙灯放电延时,以使激光介质上能级粒子数反转最大,获得最大激光能量输出.本文设计了以Arduino mega 2560单片机为核心的高速转镜调Q控制系统,通过精确单片机解析串口屏指令控制激光电源的充放电和高速电机启停,同时通过对转镜脉冲信号整合降频控制氙灯放电时刻,实现对延迟时间的精准控制,实现了灯泵Er,Cr:YSGG激光纳秒窄脉冲调Q输出.在5 Hz重复频率下,转镜转速为650 r/s时,获得的最高单脉冲激光能量为45.7 mJ、脉冲宽度为86.2 ns,相应的峰值功率为530.2 kW.

Rotating mirror Q-switched technology incurs no intracavity insertion loss,making it a direct method for obtaining narrow pulses and high peak power output lasers.Nanosecond pulses require the use of high-speed rotating mirror Q-switch,along with precise control of motor speed and xenon lamp dis-charge delay.This ensures maximum population inversion of in the laser medium,leading to the highest laser energy output.This paper presented the design of a high-speed rotating mirror Q-switched control system with the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller as its core.The system utilized precise parse of serial screen instructions by the microcontroller to control the charging and discharging of the laser power supply and the start-stop operations of the high-speed motor.Additionally,it integrated and downshifted the pulse signals from the rotating mirror to control the precise delay time for triggering the xenon lamp dis-charge,thereby achieving precise control over the delay time for the nanosecond narrow pulse Q-switched output of the lamp-pumped Er,Cr:YSGG laser.The highest single-pulse laser energy of 45.7 mJ,pulse width of 86.2 ns,and corresponding peak power of 530.2 kW were obtained at a repetition frequency of 5 Hz with a rotating mirror speed of 650 r/s.


安徽医科大学 生物医学工程学院,安徽 合肥 230032||中国科学院 合肥物质科学研究院健康与医学技术研究所,安徽 合肥 230031中国科学院 合肥物质科学研究院健康与医学技术研究所,安徽 合肥 230031中国科学院 安徽光学精密机械研究所,安徽 合肥 230031安徽医科大学 生物医学工程学院,安徽 合肥 230032



rotating mirror Q-switchsolid state laserEr,Cr:YSGG laserArduinoXe flash lamp

《光学精密工程》 2024 (008)

1122-1129 / 8


