

Analysis of the Formation Process of the"Twenty Articles for Vocational Education"Policy in China


2019 年,国务院颁布实施我国"职教二十条".它的形成是多种因素共同促成的结果.以多源流理论为指导,从问题、政策和政治等三大源流及政策之窗对促进"职教二十条"政策形成的关键因素、积极因素及其相互间动态关系进行深入分析.分析表明:人才培养数量质量与经济社会发展需求之间矛盾突出、科研技术创新服务产业企业能力不足、职业教育培训体系和教学模式不健全、现行政策标准不健全与法律制度不完善构成"问题源流";国家领导人的指示、"两会"代表的政策建议、大众传媒的报道及专家学者的研究成果构成"政策源流";新一代领导集体高度重视职业教育改革的执政理念构成"政治源流".在三大源流汇聚过程中,2017 年习近平总书记在中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会上的报告是揭开我国"职教二十条"形成的政策之窗,不仅促使三大源流交互耦合,还合力促使"职教二十条"政策形成.

In 2019,the State Council promulgated the implementation of"Twenty Articles for Vocational Education".Its formation is the result of many kinds of factors.On the basis of multiple streams theory,this paper analyzes the key factors,positive factors and the dynamic relationship among them from the perspective of problem stream,policy stream and political stream and policy windows.The analysis shows that"the problem stream"is formed by the following problems:the obvious contradiction between the quantity and quality of personnel training and the needs of social development;in-sufficient capabilities of enterprises in scientific research,and of technological innovation serving industries and enterprises,imperfect training system in vocational education,and imperfect policy standards and legal systems.The"policy stream"is formed by National Leaders'instructions,the policy rec-ommendations from the representatives of the"Two Sessions",the reports of the mass media and the research results of experts and scholars.The new gen-eration of leadership attaches great importance to the governance concept of vocational education reform,which constitutes the"political stream".In the process of convergence of the three streams,Xi Jinping's report at the 19th National Congress of the CPC in 2017 opened the policy window to the forma-tion of the"Twenty Articles for Vocational Education"in China,which not only promoted the interaction and coupling of the three streams,but also joint-ly promoted the formation of the policy.


贵州水利水电职业技术学院,贵州 贵阳 550000



"Twenty Articles for Vocational Education"Policy formation processMultiple streams theoryPolicy window

《继续教育研究》 2024 (006)

46-53 / 8

