

Research of wear behavior of discontinuous contact floating ball seal structure based on modified Archard wear model


针对不连续接触磨损问题,以硬密封浮动球阀中浮动球密封结构为研究对象,将欧拉-拉格朗日耦合法(CEL)、全局网络重构法(ALE)、修正Archard模型与硬密封条件下的数值计算模型相结合,利用Abaqus子程序UMESHMOTION,实现对非连续接触密封结构的磨损仿真分析,探究流体介质压力、启闭速度及密封面宽度等对密封面磨损特性的影响规律,揭示不连续接触条件下的磨损机制;提出密封结构接触面全局磨损量均值(GWA)的评价方法.结果表明:非连续接触形式下,磨损较大位置出现应力集中;启闭速度和密封面宽度对密封面磨损影响较小;当Voc为2 mm/s时GWA最小;当bm为3.0 mm时GWA最小;流体介质压力对密封面磨损影响较大;非连续接触的磨损机理主要是磨粒磨损和疲劳磨损.研究结果可为不连续接触结构的优化设计提供理论基础和技术支撑.

In order to solve the problem of discontinuous contact wear,the floating ball seal structure in the floating ball valve was taken as the research object,and the Euler-Lagrange coupling method(CEL),the global network reconstruction method(ALE),and the modified Archard model were combined with the numerical computation model to realize the wear simulation analysis of the discontinuous contact seal structure using the Abaqus subroutine UMESHMOTION,investigate the influence law of fluid medium pressure,opening and closing speeds and sealing face widths on the wear characteristics of sealing faces,and reveal the wear mechanism under discontinuous contact conditions.An evaluation method for the mean value of global wear on the contact surface of the seal structure was proposed.The study results show that in the form of discontinuous contact,stress concentrations occur at locations of high wear.Opening and closing speeds and sealing face widths have less influence on sealing face wear.GWA is smallest when Voc is 2 mm/s.GWA is smallest when bm is 3.0 mm.Change in the fluid medium pressure has a greater effect on sealing face wear.The wear mechanism of discontinuous contact seal structure is mainly based on abrasive wear and fatigue wear.The results of the study can provide theoretical basis and technical support for the optimal design of discontinuous contact seal structures.


合肥通用机械研究院有限公司,合肥 230031||合肥通用机电产品检测院有限公司,合肥 230031合肥通用机械研究院有限公司,合肥 230031



Archard theoretical modeldiscontinuous contactfloat ball seal structurewear characteristicsCEL methodALE method

《流体机械》 2024 (004)

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