

Characteristics of the embryonic and post-embryonic development of golden trevally(Gnathannodon speciosus)


黄鹂无齿鲹是一种兼具观赏与食用价值的名贵海水鱼类.本文通过人工催产方法,获取黄鹂无齿鲹受精卵并追踪观察,旨在对其胚胎及胚后发育特征进行观察记录.结果显示,受精卵孵化条件为盐度 30.26±0.67、温度(24.72±0.32)℃、pH值(7.46±0.12)、溶解氧(5.13±0.33)mg/L、光照强度约 3 000 lx.黄鹂无齿鲹受精卵为透明浮性圆球形,平均卵径(764.29±14.74)μm;含单油球,油球平均直径(166.32±18.28)μm.胚胎发育历经受精卵期、胚盘期、卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚期、神经胚期、器官形成期与孵化出膜期8个阶段,再进一步细分成 24 个时期.受精后 18 h 30 min孵化出膜,进入仔鱼阶段(含前仔鱼期和后仔鱼期).前仔鱼期为孵化后 0~3 d,卵黄囊没有完全吸收;后仔鱼期为孵化后 4~20 d,卵黄囊完全吸收.初孵仔鱼全长(1 520±19)μm,出膜后第 6 天油球储备耗尽并形成鳔.孵化后第 20 天,鱼体后脊索完全弯曲,各鳍和消化系统发育完善,体表大量色素沉淀且具有独立生活的能力,仔鱼进入稚鱼阶段.研究表明,黄鹂无齿鲹的发育模式符合典型硬骨鱼类的规律,发育周期较其他鲹科鱼类更短,其胚胎及胚后发育特征与卵形鲳鲹比较接近.本研究为黄鹂无齿鲹苗种培育提供了重要参考.

Golden trevally(Gnathanodon speciosus),a marine fish that combines ornamental value with edibility,is a suitable species for marine cage culture.At present,there are few studies on G.speciosus in China,while the studies abroad mainly focus on its adaptability to environmental factors,growth performance,feeding and nutrient requirements,as well as microsatellite sequencing.The studies on its reproductive characteristics and embryonic development is still lacking.Therefore,in this paper,the fertilized eggs of G.speciosus were obtained by artificial oxytocin and observed,in order to elucidate the characteristics of its embryonic and post-embryonic development.The hatchery conditions of the fertilized eggs were as follows:salinity 30.26±0.67,temperature 24.72±0.32℃,pH value 7.46±0.12,dissolved oxygen 5.13±0.33 mg/L and light intensity 3000 lx.The results showed that the zygotes were transparent floating spherical eggs with an average diameter of 764.29±14.74 μm and a single oil bulb with an average diameter of 166.32±18.28 μm.Embryonic development included 8 stages i.e.fertilized egg stage,blastodisc stage,cleavage stage,blastula stage,gastrula stage,neurula stage,organo-forming stage and hatching stage,subsequently subdivided into 24 stages.The fertilized eggs were hatched out at 18 h 30 min after fertilization followed by the larval stage.According to the absorption of yolk sac,larval stage was further divided into pre-larval stage(0-3 days,not complete absorption of yolk sac)and post-larval stage(4-20 days,complete absorption of yolk sac).The total length of the hatched-out larvae was 1 520±19 μm.The yolk sac has been com-pletely absorbed at 3 days post hatchery(DPH),and the oil globule disappeared at 6 DPH with the appearance of swimming bladder.At 20 DPH,the posterior part of spinal column was curved which was the mark of juvenile stage,meanwhile,the fins and the digestive system were fully developed with a great amount of pigments depos-ited on the surface of the body,which were the symbols for its ability to live independently.The larval develop-ment belonged to an allometric model with faster speed at the early stage and slower speed at the late stage.The development pattern of G.speciosus is in line with typical bony fish,and the development time was shorter than those of other species of Carangidae.The embryonic and post-embryonic development characteristics of G.spe-ciosus were close to those in Trachinotus ovatus,which was the main species of marine ranching in Guangdong province and Hainan province in China.In the process of exploitation and industry development of G.speciosus,we could benefit a lot from T.ovatus.This study will shed a new light on the breeding of G.speciosusin the future.


广东省水环境与水产品安全工程技术研究中心,广州市水产病害与水禽养殖重点实验室,仲恺农业工程学院动物科技学院,广东广州 510222广东省农业技术推广中心,广东广州 510520华南农业大学海洋学院,广东广州 510642



Gnathanodon speciosusfertilized eggembryonic developmentpost-embryonic development

《水产学报》 2024 (004)

123-135 / 13

广东省重点领域研发计划(2021B0202030001);2023年广东省乡村振兴战略专项省级项目;2024 年中央财政支持地方高校改革发展专项(KA24Y0201) Fund for R&D Projects in Key Areas of Guangdong Province(2021B0202030001);2023 Spe-cial Fund for Rural Revitalization Strategy of Guangdong Province;2024 Special Fund from Central Government for the Reform and Development of Local Universities(KA24Y0201)

