

Study on the extraction process and GC-MS analysis of volatile oil from Nutmeg assisted by flash extraction


目的 建立闪式提取法提取肉豆蔻挥发油的工艺,并与水蒸气蒸馏法提取的挥发油进行化学成分的对比.方法 通过正交试验确定闪式提取法提取挥发油的最佳工艺,并通过肉豆蔻挥发油提取率和气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)分析,来确定闪式提取法的可行性.结果 闪式提取法最佳提取工艺为闪式电压 105 V,闪式预处理60 s,液料比 10∶1,蒸馏 4h,挥发油提取率为 6.23%;闪式提取法和水蒸气蒸馏法均能分离出 52 个峰,水蒸气蒸馏法可鉴别出 42 种成分,闪式提取法可鉴别出 41 种成分,闪式提取法比水蒸气蒸馏法提取增加 6 种成分,未检测出 7 种成分,二者共有成分 35 种.结论 闪式提取法操作简单,工艺可行,重复性好,可以作为提取肉豆蔻挥发油的一种方法.

Objective To establish a flash extraction method for extraction of Nutmeg volatile oil,and compare with the chemical composition of the volatile oil extracted by steam distillation.Methods The optimum process for extracting volatile oil was determined by flash extraction method by orthogonal test,and through the Nutmeg volatile oil extraction rate and GC-MS analysis,to determine the feasibility of flash extraction method.Results The best extraction process of flash extraction method was flash voltage 105 V,flash pretreatment 60 s,liquid material ratio 10 : 1,distillation 4 h,the extraction rate of volatile oil was 6.23%;Both the flash extraction method and the steam distillation can separate 52 peaks,steam distillation can identify 42 components,and the flash extraction method can identify 41 components,compared with the steam distil-lation,flash extraction method added 6 kinds of ingredients,and 7 kinds of ingredients were not detected,and there were 35 kinds of ingredients in both.Conclusion The flash extraction method is simple to operate,feasible and repeatable,and can be used as a method to extract Nutmeg volatile oil.


辽宁中医药大学,辽宁 大连 116600



Flash extraction methodNutmeg volatile oilGC-MS

《药学研究》 2024 (004)

342-345 / 4


